[h3][u][color=goldenrod]Khan[/color], Catacombs[/u][/h3] [color=#C19A6B]"He is,"[/color] Came the Yarsomere man’s voice, his head nodded toward the student in Khan’s grip. His hands wiping the blood clean after he tended to the woman, her body being unwrapped by the Naga, as the white cloth was stained red by the action, his next words noting her condition. [color=#C19A6B]"He was fighting the Ridge Hounds with no sense of caution. The elf's injury was large but she will not die during the walk to the medical wing."[/color] Khan’s gaze stared for a moment, his arm still supporting Baulder’s limp figure, on noting the lack of discomfort around the Naga. Especially when Lyamis started to wrap about Myrn making the Headmaster a bit uncomfortable at the sight. At seeing it, he had considered calling Olreah into action and dislodging the Naga’ coiling tail until he received more information about the situation. Things had already gone wrong and his irritation was building in the back of his head, knowing time was a main factor for those students still battling for their lives outside the College walls. By this time, the small army of Golems, about ten total, had arrived. Several were wind and fire golems, with a few steel and earth to escort Tyrael back to his office. It would be there where the fallen orc would remain until Khan could address his behavior. For years, he had overlooked the teacher’s behavior in hopes he would either tame it or grow beyond it. Now, it seemed that build up had become impossible to overlook and Tyrael had no one to blame but himself. Next time, Khan truly believed the College wouldn’t have been so lucky. The Headmaster knew deep down his judgement was flawed after having his trust betrayed so any thoughts going through his head were subject to question, from his trust in Tyrael now shattered to the wonder where he had become so blind. Until now, he had overlooked the teacher’s brash and edging abusive nature, every day hoping Tyrael would’ve outgrow or tame it. Now it appeared that ability was beyond him. Gently, Khan ‘s eyes looked to the Rheven-ari in his grip. He noted the shallow, steady breathing through the ragged clothing and wondered what would become of him when Tyrael’s punishment was over. Would he leave or stay? That was a question for another time when those outside the college were out of danger and his mind was at ease, his arm passing the unconscious Rheven-ari to a Wind Golem who immediately took off down the corridor for the medical wing. The last thing Khan heard was feeble attempt at speech that ended in a throat gurgling sound causing worry to flood his face before they disappeared. About four Golems sided Tyrael, their towering figures refusing to leave his side while Khan directed the remaining six to both shepherd the remaining Naga through the college into temporary quarters and help the other students back to the infirmary. He turned and began to lead the way out just when Ssarak’s mind pushed against his barriers. The Headmaster cautiously creaking the wards to allow the message in, absorbing the information gingerly through the psychomancer’s own thoughts. Truthfully it wasn’t his favorite way to gain intelligence after the day he already had as he sucked up his exhaustion and focused on the details given to him, his mind ticking with his own thought isolated from Ssarak’s. [i] [color=f7941d]’The Naga, from what I gather, come from Mesa Gaan; survivors of the massacre there. The Matriarch is among them, as well as Mar’s brother. According to him, they were forced into the ravine and have been surviving there since the attack. They come to the College seeking its protection; I do not believe they had the option to petition for such a thing through normal means.’[/color] So, the rumors were true. The Naga are being driven to extinction within the Yarsomere desert through these few were lucky enough to have made it this far. The Ravine is dangerous, even for a demonomancer master, and it’s a wonder they all weren’t killed. Through I doubt they went in and came out with the same number. I don’t think we can handle trespassers today with something lurking around the college according to Zaad, the demon’s honestly questionable save when it comes to true threats, and he seemed rather antsy about this one. That worries me. A lot. [color=f7941d]’Tyrael, however…I do not know what to think of it. The moment he saw the Naga, it was like he went into a rage. I am certain they were what sparked his behavior. As soon as he identified them as Naga, he ordered me to kill them. His voice…it sounded strange, like there was something else speaking through him. I do not have any experience with Fallen Demonmancers beyond Tyrael, but it was almost as if his demon was controlling him, or at least influencing him. Certainly, he did not seem like he was in his right mind. I am uncertain why the sight of Naga would cause such a thing to happen, however. He is close to Mar, so it is not as if he despises the race as a whole.’[/color] If Tyrael fell under the influence of his demons, it wasn't good especially if the Naga were the trigger. I don’t know the connection but I intend to discover it and prevent it. Last thing we need is a rogue demonomancer with Tyrael’s potential becoming an enemy of the College. The terrible truth about demonomancers is in order to control those very demons, we have to become susceptible to their influence and prevent ourselves from falling victim to them. One moment of complete relaxation and they are nipping on our heels. Power in exchange for a curse. This is just the start, I can feel and I’m worried. [/i]