[img]http://i.imgur.com/bX9kUK9.jpg[/img] [h1]The Siege of O1Y[/h1] So it's been a few days. The war continues, and we're still winning. More systems fall every day. The Imperium is starting to show some signs of life, with notorious Imp flight commander and neckbeard Dabigredboat declaring yesterday that he'd take O1Y back from the Horde in two days' time. So far they have been largely unsuccessful, but a major Imperium operation put our station under siege. I outfitted a frigate with a cloaking device and hung out on the periphery of the battle, where I managed to snap that dank photo up there. I haven't been participating in offensive operations seeing as real life is a bitch, but when I log on I get to hop from system to system defending our territory from the marauding raiders threatening our carebear PvE players. Over the past couple of weeks we've entrenched ourselves in our little constellation, expanding from O1Y-ED into the neighboring systems of K4YZ-Y and L-CSBU (You can find the map of the region [url=http://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Fade/O1Y-ED#sov]here[/url] with our system of O1Y-ED outlined in black). For the most part defending our territory entails ganging up on one or two ships attempting to blow up mining ships or capture control points. Dozens of Horde pilots swarm these pirates in cheap ships and wear them down, inflicting far more damage than we take. I'm flying a Wolf-class assault frigate now, which is dope. Had a few close calls where I almost lost it, including a fleet op where we faced off against a siege fleet of stealth bombers and a scrap today with a lone battlecruiser fitted with anti-frigate missiles. I snapped a quick picture of my battle-damaged ship as I was fleeing the scene. Also I posted again, which is one more post than anyone was expecting, I imagined. [img]http://i.imgur.com/1GOSGKv.jpg[/img]