[quote=@Evil Snowman] Look we all know You red heads have no souls and crave ours. It's just we where trying to nice about it and not point it out. Plus to make a joke about stealing souls someone here as to have a soul. XD So anyone with a soul please raise your hand. [/quote] Oh, you don't think you have a soul? I like a challenge! *Starts sharpening her dinner knife.* I'm coming for you, snowman. I need to earn my freckles, after all. [s]Your soul will taste most delicious covered in ketchup.[/s] [quote=@Specter189] [@Verdaux][@Evil Snowman] Ordinarily I would share in the joking of gingers, but.... uh... well... ah fuck it this is the internet, I have no shame. Upon seeing her picture I am bewitched Also redheads [/quote] Yes, that's the first step in soul stealing! We bewitch you and then the next thing you know you're strapped down to a slab while we preform the ritual. Be afraid. Be very afraid. :P [quote=@sakurasan] You're so pretty Dollie~ ^^ Pft. Your posts are hilarious xD [/quote] YAS, do we have the same sense of humor? Do you have tumblr? [s]If you do and you post funny stuff or pretty things let me know and I'll follow you forever, Sakura![/s] [@MyCatGinger] Hey Ging, I gave your German shepherd a voice, I hope that was okay! I kind of played him as the wise, gentle old soul. If you hate it let me know and I'll change it or scratch it all together! I'd have put Jinxie in there too but the post was getting cluttered by all the dialogue! XD