[i]Knight's Brother[/i] As the grass began to grow brittle and be easily snapped, the man tilted his head. "Ah, a clever mage. You don't find those often. Most of your kind trample through the world, smashing and tearing as they go, thinking themselves immortal. I'm impressed. Well played young man, well played." He stood holding out his hands in a manner that made him seem like he was praising the sky. The trees around him began to shake and groan. "However. The Forest demands your death. And I will give it to them." Three trees ripped themselves free and began to move towards Leith, E'nasha, and Summer. The man remained stuck in his position, praising the sky. [i]Knight[/i] "Bah! Cowardly woman!" The Knight spat as he blocked another scythe of water on his shield, then immediately dodged another. He hadn't always been so successful. Slight trails of blood were coming from his joints where she had struck home, and the rest of his armor was scuffed and cut from repeated successful hits. "Enough of this! You will fight me like a warrior or I will find another opponent!" He snarled, turning to E'nasha and Leith, his back fully turned to Meirein as he began to rush towards them. [i]Leith's Ring[/i] [i]Prepare yourself. His brother is very angry and on his way at a fast past. His shield has considerable range.[/i]