------- Incoming Transmission ------- -Sound Only- Greetings and Congratulations, You may not know us, but we know you and have been watching you. And we have been very impressed with your recent actions. You have proven yourself as a strong individual who excels in the field. And we are looking for people with just your skills. This being said we are willing to offer you a position in our organization, the pay far exceeds what you are currently making and we will give you a chance to make a difference in the galaxy. If you are willing to accept this offer meet our representative at the Starport in three days, you will know who he is. We look forward to working with you, The Crimson Legion ------- End Transmission ------- [hider=A Little Background Information] It has been thousands of years after man fist set out onto space and started its colonization of space. Mankind soon colonized the entirety of the Sol system and soon reformed itself under the SSA (Sol System Alliance). And when mankind reached outside its home system it wasn't long before they made contact with extra terrestrial life and as is mankind's way that soon lead to war. The First Contact War ended after 50 years with signing a treaty to avoid either side from being annihilated, and with the SSA weakened by war and unable to retaliate several of the outlying colonies broke away to govern themselves. And thus the UGC (United Galactic Conference) to establish communication and peace between all the factions. Time passed and humanity continued to expand, new alien races were discovered and brought into the UGC and the galaxy seemed to be at a time of piece. But recently things have been changing, the UGC is little more than a puppet to be controlled by the SSA and moves to support their goals. This has caused a great amount of tension among the factions as the SSA asserted its control over weaker factions. And just a week ago the Kingdom of Tallos accompanied by many of the Anti-SSA factions dropped out of the UGC claiming it had become corrupt and unfair. And now the two sides sit and wait preparing for war. Our part in this world would be as mercenaries belonging to a small elite group of mercenaries operating galaxy wide on missions that they see as benefiting the galactic populous despite allegiances or ties to a government agency. We are the Crimson Legion and our next mission might just change the course of the galaxy[/hider]