[center]~| 06:42 GST - 07:02 GST |~ ~| Sish and Miasa, Sith quarters |~[/center] As she laid the arm down on the crate, Miasa smiled to herself. It had not been a quick or easy project, but it was well worth it. The arm gleamed slightly as it lay there. Though it was entirely mechanical, its outer surface looked just like the arm of a trandoshan, aside from the black coating and the crimson lights. She might have an ulterior motive with the insurance policy, but that did not mean she would do anything but the best for the rest of it. She could only look forward to seeing it in action. Nothing would please her more than to see it serve Lord Sish well. If her understanding of him was correct, he would not delay in having it tested in the field. Carefully disconnecting the final diagnostic cables, Miasa activated a comlink, opening a channel to Lord Sish. “Lord Sish. Your new arm is done. It will serve you well, I can assure that.” Her words were clear, faintly tinged with a slight sibilant hissing due to her species nature. “I’m on my way.” Sish replied, heading towards the other Sith’s workshop. He moved quickly, arriving at Miasa’s in short order. As he entered the room he scanned it quickly, to make sure nothing nasty was awaiting him, before examining the arm itself. “Impressive. I assume that whatever assurance you added to it to give you some power over me or prevent me from killing you is cleverly hidden. For our sake, I hope it is. Because if I find it I’ll demand it removed, for I have no desire or reason to kill you and such threats are insulting, but you’ll refuse and I’ll have to try and kill you. At which point you’ll activate it and one or both of us will die.” Sish looked expectantly at Miasa. “Shall I sit down, or shall you just attach it with me standing?” Miasa did not deign to answer his words about her insurance policy. It was more than sufficiently hidden. “You need not sit down. You only stand about two meters tall, after all.” With that, she slithered closer, picking up the arm as she did. Coiling her rear half underneath herself, she stretched her body higher so that her shoulders were slightly higher up than his. Holding the arm out, she turned it the right directions, then slid it into the slot in her framework she had surgically implanted the Sith Lord with. After that, she used the force to lift the spiked pauldron up from the crate it rested on, sliding that onto his shoulder, where it too clicked into place. Unlike the framework and like the arm, it was imbued with alchemy to make it resistant to lightsabers. “You will find that the arm shall serve you well, Lord Sish. It is the exact same size as your other arm and it is far more durable. You will find that it is quite resistant to lightsabers, but I do not suggest you use it as a shield even so. Nothing is indestructible.” Miasa pressed a button on the small remote attached to her wrist and there was a faint whirring from within the shoulder, followed by an audible click. The lights brightened and the mechanical pseudo-muscles vibrated slightly. “The arm is now operational, Lord Sish. You may wish to test it out.” As she said this, Miasa drew back to take in the sight of the Sith Lord. It was quite impressive. “Thank you, Miasa. You’ve done phenomenal work. ” Sish meant it too. It was an arm that served both form and function. Something to terrify his enemies and tear through them if need be. Sish grinned as he rotated his and put his new arm through its paces. Everything seemed in working order, and he couldn’t detect any problems with it. “Before I go test it, and by test I mean find some prisoners, what are its capabilities aside from what you’ve already said? I assume I can’t shoot rockets and flames from it.” There was only a slight tinge of disappointment in his voice. “It is an arm. There are no tools beyond the fingers and claws built into it. How much you can lift with it depends on the rest of your body, and as with all prosthetic limbs, it cannot be used to channel the Force in the more awe-inspiring ways. You will have to find new ways to inspire that in your victims if you seek to use that arm for it. But you are a Sith Lord, so I assume you will figure something out.” “Very well. Last question.” Sish turned to regard her, cybernetic eye shining red. “Your safety or blackmail policy. It can only be accessed by you, correct? Don’t try to pretend you didn’t add one. You’re a Sith, and you were just given considerable power over me. You put something in my arm to ensure your safety. I don’t care what it is, as long as I don’t find it, and you’re the only one who can access it. I have no desire for politics, or to make any more enemies than I already have. You’ll never need to use it. I just want to make sure someone else won’t in an attempt to kill me.” “Someone else will always try to kill you. The question is whether they succeed. If I were to have taken the time to build in something like that, it would not have been easily triggered. But I don’t like building things only to have them destroyed shortly afterwards, for that means my work and time has been wasted. I do in fact take pride in my work. This particular arm won’t fit anyone other than you, Lord Sish. Should you misuse it and have it end up damaged, which would take a lot of work, I am the only one who can repair it properly. That alone should keep you from killing me.” Miasa paused for a few seconds then continued, “As for politics: they’re usually not worth it.” “Of course someone will always try to kill me. I just want it to be in a way that I can fight back. Having my arm self destruct or poison me isn’t something I can fight against.” He grinned at her. “However, that’s as good as a ‘It won’t go off unless I make it.’ I won’t kill you, Miasa, and I’ll even make sure you stay alive, even if I find whatever you put in my arm. Every Sith needs allies, and ours can be mutually beneficial.” He turned to leave the room, still grinning. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go try my arm out on one of the prisoners.” “Please do the testing in a public place. Its one thing to know its capabilities, its quite another to see it in action.” Miasa asked the Sith Lord as he moved towards the door. He was rather distrustful, so there was no point in trying to convince him that the insurance policy did not exist. He wouldn’t find it without triggering it, by which time the discovery would not benefit him, but she did not feel it was worth lying over. Leaving facts out was perfectly fine, but even to a fellow Sith, she preferred not to lie.