[center][img]http://anthony.atkielski.pagesperso-orange.fr/HauntedMansionLarge.jpg[/img][/center] [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=39083099]Sara[/url] laughed softly to herself, her long chestnut locks being tousled by her head moving from side to side in mild humor at Eric trying to slide across the hood. His ass got stuck about half way and he had to 'scooch' himself along. She slid out of the car with the grace not afforded him and tugged at the bottom of her shorts, her light pink v-neck soft and comfy for their long evening of searching out the dead. The sound of her white keds moving across the gray top lot. She chuckled at his antics and slipped her fingers into her small pockets as they walked toward the house. It wasn't nearly as imposing as the nighttime pictures had made it out to be, but her hope was to still be there at night. She looked back at Eric and wagged her eyebrows. "I'm thinking that we should sneak off into the woods just to the left of the house." She moved beside him and grabbed one of his arms, her other hand extended as she pointed out the path. "Lets go over there and find a trail to get lost in and then when it's dark we'll sneak back in the house and do what we came to do." Very few people were milling about, the place almost seemingly closed and yet the sign made it clear that the Vermil Mansion & History Museum was open for visitors and fans alike until 6:30 that evening. She slid her hand into his and walked casually toward the path, the two of them looking like a young couple out for an afternoon stroll and nothing more. "Do you think the rumors about this place are true?" She stepped off the asphalt, running her fingers through her long hair and turning to let her amber eyes move across the planes of Eric's face while her thoughts pulled and tugged at remembrance. "The Vermil family was in charge of an orphanage on the edge of town, the mother and father taking turns staying over night because back in the 30's people really didn't think too much on the idea of working with children. Too many other things going on I guess. Anyway, the original orphanage burnt down after Clarence Miller came to stay there." She looked up at the sky as the sun touched her skin and warmth spread throughout her, her fingers squeezing his as excitement and joy touched the edge of her awareness. "After it burnt down the Vermil's decided to just bring everyone to live in there house. Eight children total including Clarence. Mr. Vermil wasn't very keen on bringing Clarence with them because he believed the boy was involved in the original fire, but he was by far the cutest kid in the bunch and Mrs. Vermil couldn't see him doing hard." Pausing only briefly as they reached the lake, Sara released Eric's hand and climbed up on a large rock that sat sturdy at the edge of a dark blue lake, the wind causing the waves to dance in performance. She turned to face him, motioning for him to join her. "I'm thinking the woman was right though, because it wasn't long after they moved all the kids in that strange things began to happen and those that were involved weren't around to tell the story. Only one left standing besides the couple was Clarence and he went quite mad." She looked up to the house and smiled with wicked intent. "I can't wait to go in there. If you get scared," she looked down at Eric and laughed, "I'll hold your hand, k?"