[quote=@Narcotic Dollie] [@Sakurasan] Oh my goodness that girl is gorgeous, you are the sweetest. Much closer on the hair color, darlin', good job! I'll make it easy on y'all, you can just [url=http://theprettiestponyintown.tumblr.com]check out my tumblr[/url]. My icon is a selfie. :P [@Specter189] Really, no soul stealing jokes? That's not usually the reaction I get. XD [/quote] Holy crap you are funny AND hot IRL.....I'm simultaneously falling in love and green with envy. I'm sure a lot of us in the RP feel this way. I have an urge to reveal my face to the RP now, you may have started a trend :) EDIT: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5TbnEuuugk[/youtube] Looks like we got a new Club LUSH track for tonight