[b]The Night the God King Fell [/b] A night she’d always remember, Avanid had been in the rush of her life that night. When the God King died it was like a searing hot pain had shot through her. She had been on her way to Avanid Island to check on the warriors who were living there. When Aroesus died, Avanid faltered in mid flight almost crashing into the lake below, but she managed to keep aloft pushing her connection to Aroesus she had gained from Aroesus giving her the duty of bringing heroes to her Isle aside. With a quick turned Avanid veered her course and went straight for Aroesus home. It didn’t take long before she saw the tower in the distance, beautiful white and strong, she saw those archways onto a balcony that were left open for Aroesus to view his lands. She sped for the nearest window and landed casually on a railing and took in the view. No one had arrived yet, and the who had ever plotted and killed the God King seemed to be long gone. Cautiously she hopped down onto the balcony and fluttered into the room. The scene before her was a shock the Dead Aroesus disturbed her down to her core. It would have taken someone powerful to bring such a god so low. She slowly hopped over to his form standing on his chest and staring at his face. If it weren’t for her being in raven form tears would have been rolling from her eyes. Avanid knew what she had to do though and with a hop forward she was standing on Aroesus chin and she moved in a blur her beak coming down in a pecking motion as her upper jaw with over the top of the God King’s eye ball and her bottom jaw underneath it. Her beak put a light pressure and pulled the eye free before swallowing it whole. Looking to the other eye she did exactly the same to it and swallowed the eyeball. It saddened her to have to do a such a thing to Aroesus, but it had to be done. She lifted her head her beak covered in blood, the eye sockets of the God King now hollow and red with blood. For what seemed like a long time Avanid just stared at the dead god king. It was at this time she heard a noise, someone was coming. With a quick flap of her wings Avanid took off through a archway and out into the sky just as the door opened and Eskellon came into the Aroesus room. She flew as quick and hard as she could with the precious payload she carried straight for her island. Upon arriving she changed form and entered the huge tree that she called her home. With a cough and a gag, then another cough she spit up Aroesus eyes and placed them inside of a small silver tube that she plugged with a cork. “I can’t leave… Not yet. Someone may have seen me. I have to wait till the skies are clear… Till I can get to Lathunis.” [B] Present Day [/B] The sun shone brightly across the Isle of Avanid the sounds of hundreds of warriors fighting could be heard off in the distance as well as their shouts of victory and cries of defeat. Avanid smiled at the sound it was always a pleasure to wake up to such exultation. For days now she had sent out some of her ravens to see if anyone had been searching specifically for her, and so far no word of her being a target had been found. It was a good day indeed with news like that she would finally be able to leave her island and find Lathunis, the goddess and friend she considered Queen even though others didn’t. She gathered up her clothes dressing herself in the normal pieces of leather and armor she wore, it wasn’t exactly the most concealing but it covered everything important. She finished her outfit off with a head dress that was made from a giant raven skull with huge black feathers sticking out the back of it. It fit her head quite easily and hid the upper part of her face. Taking a deep breath Avanid shrank in size her body becoming covered in black feathers the headdress she wore melding into her head and by the end of it all she was a raven perched on a side table next to a bit. Using her beak she picked up the silver tube that held the God king’s eyes. The Raven that was Avanid took flight from her isle soaring high above the lake carrying the sacred items with as much care as possible, she wondered how Lathunis would react to this. She hoped that her friend would not be angry with her. Eyes darting back and forth she watched to make sure no one tried to intercept her on her path and she realized she had closed quite a bit of distance to Kronas the Gardens already coming into view. With the grace of a bird she landed, and neatly folded her wings against her body giving a slight caw as she did so. Dropping the tube she changed once more and stood in the garb she had donned back at her home. With a gentle grab she picked up the tube and began to walk through the beautiful garden. Vibrant colors blossomed from every plant and even the greens seemed to have a glare to them. She stopped as she came to a clearing, why had she come here? She had just felt like she would find Lathunis in this place, something deep down in her stomach said she would find her friend in the Gardens. Slowly Avanid put a hand to the side of her mouth and shouted. “Lathunis! I need to speak to you it’s important! Lathuns!” She continued to walk through the garden continuing to shout for her friend hoping she would get some reply. Avanid slowly looked down at the silver tube in her hand and gave a deep gulp. She was both excited and dreading giving this to Lathunis hoping to explain herself before Lathunis possibly became angry with her. She stopped as she came to a tree. Here, Lathunis was close she could feel. “Lathunis, It’s Avanid I have a gift for you! You must come see!” She stood there waiting looking around curiously.