[center][color=SeaGreen][h1][b][i]~Cheshire Cat – Alexander Katts~[/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Character%20Page%20Gifs/Alexander_zps9urykbpb.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] The Cheshire Cat. [b]Other Names:[/b] Katts, The Cat, The Assassin, Trickster, The Faceless Man, etcetera. [b]Real Name:[/b] Alexander Katts. [b]Age:[/b] 37. [b]Occupation (If Any):[/b] Royal Spy & Assassin. [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age 24):[/b] [img]http://cs623825.vk.me/v623825707/33d/C-f_YYS67aw.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Today (Age 37):[/b] [img]http://cs5168.vk.me/v5168654/4a4/YLsSVUo2dvg.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Cat Form:[/b] [img]https://letrasdetintanegra.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/poe-gatonegro1.jpg[/img] [b]Height:[/b] 6'2" [b]Wardrobe Style:[/b] Katts' clothing is both elegant yet practical, consisting of various sleeveless coats and under-tunics made of varying materials with leather vambraces and greaves. During more casual times he prefers a lighter [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/14/22/f0/1422f07b703f5a7c9f036af48a47dfea.jpg]outfit[/url] that grants him comfort and freedom of movement while also allowing him to hide his various weaponry and be prepared for battle. When performing an assassination, however, his [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-4sluv2rAuh0/Ubjqu2THDBI/AAAAAAAAAg0/6EYXQn9BhAA/s1600/Loki-reference4.jpg]outfit[/url], though remaining light, becomes far more defensive in nature, consisting of a longer leather coat and metal plates on the forearms, shoulder and legs for added protection. [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Thoughtful, manipulative, farseeing and restrained, Katts is the perfect assassin. Known for his precision and rate of success in his work, Katts is a devotedly patient man who will often spend many days or weeks studying a target before finally striking, going to extraordinary lengths to make such assassinations look like an accident. Sharp, measured, and attentive, Katts shows a distinct detachment, coupled by a lack of remorse or pity when it comes to assassinating his targets, showing no prejudice or restraint. However, he has a tendency of seeing the worst in people and situations, which may be a defense mechanism to spare his psyche the pain of killing (oftentimes) innocent people for money or on Maleficent's command. Cunning, devious and highly manipulative, Katts is a talented actor and an even more talented liar, using such gifts to his advantage in his occupation when dealing with targets or those capable of giving him information. He always seems to have a plan up his sleeve and never shows signs of weakness in front of others in fear of possible exploit. Katts possesses a certain amount of ruthlessness in how he conducts his assassinations, never second-guessing or questioning himself when it comes to assassinating his targets. He doesn't care if the target is younger or older, has a family or doesn't, or whether they're regarded as a good person deserving of death or not. Detachment is necessary. Despite being a cold-blooded killer, Katts is not without positive traits. He has a distinct fondness for animals that belies both his personality and occupation, and he can oftentimes be found showing affection for, or even temporarily caring for stray animals he finds, in which he adopts an open, warm, almost [i]human[/i] demeanor; though this fades the instant another person notices or picks up on it. He also holds his own soft spot for children, stemming from his own less-than-loving childhood. As such, Katts will frequently anonymously donate his own personal finances towards orphans or children in poverty who can't afford food, clothing, toys, or proper schooling. Katts holds torture in extremely low regard and, despite being a professional assassin, does his job quickly and effectively, believing that torture or otherwise drawing out death to be a monstrous and brutal practice that no one should be subject to, no matter their crime. However, Katts is not above using intimidation or threats to achieve his goals, his own reputation helping him in this regard. Lastly, Katts is still human, in spite of his cold and detached personality. He is not without feelings of guilt or internal pain and will sometimes harbor feelings of self-doubt or confliction in regards to how his life has headed. Perhaps part of him seeks true love, or maybe even a life not so riddled with murder, but for the time being, Katts knows who he is, and doesn't intend on changing anytime soon. [b]Magical Skills:[/b] Though being primarily an assassin, Katts nonetheless possesses a certain skill when it comes to magic. He has the ability to change his physical appearance, clothing and voice at will, with seemingly no limit to how he can change himself. He utilizes this power frequently in his job, ensuring that not one identity can be spotted committing a string of assassinations, always a different person. This is what granted him the title of [i]'The Faceless Man'[/i] in Maleficent's court and beyond. Katts also has the ability to shapeshift into a large black cat at will. While he is unable to talk in this form and lacks any sort of magical power, he is granted all the senses, reflexes and abilities of a cat. [b]Other Skills:[/b] A highly trained combatant nearly unmatched in skill, Katts is truly a formidable foe. Trained to mastery in the use of throwing knives and daggers, Katts is capable of matching nearly any other weapon with his skill in short blades. Using his skills and talents to his advantage in combat, Katts is capable of taking on multiple foes at once with just his [url=http://www.fategate.com/res/photo/eshop_item/542_2_.jpg]Vorpal Blade[/url] and [url=https://p.gr-assets.com/540x540/fit/hostedimages/1379799763/659247.png]throwing knives[/url], using a mixture of quick, deadly strikes and various hand-to-hand maneuvers to cripple and disarm his foes with deadly precision. Katts is a master of stealth and acrobatics, trained both in mind and body to master the art of remaining unseen when needed. He is said to be so skilled in such practices that some pass him off as being able to teleport or become invisible. Branching off from this, Katts' speed, reflexes, agility and dexterity are remarkably heightened, if not inhuman. This is due to advanced training, inherent talent and residual side-effects of transforming into a cat. Katts is a highly talented observer and reader of people, able to tell one's emotional state through their body language and even the most subtle of facial expressions, as well as an uncanny ability to tell if one is lying. Trained to utilize each of his senses to their full effect without relying on any single sense alone, this gives him an almost heightened sense of perception, allowing him to pick up on even the tiniest of details. This attention to detail also makes him highly effective in his job, as he's able to make nearly every one of his assassinations look like an accident of some kind; with little-to-no indication of foul play. Katts is quite experienced in the use of various poisons and alchemy, frequently utilizing such toxicants in his work for a quick, clean kill. Believing in efficiency, Katts exclusively trains in the crafting of extremely deadly poisons without focusing on other types of poultices or salves. Lastly, Katts is a well-read individual who prefers to keep a sharp intellect and acute mind; finding philosophy and psychology to be favored topics. [b]Biography (Before Earth):[/b] Alexander Katts' history is a rather complicated and sad one. The son of a single father, a Carpenter by trade, Alexander had very little in the way of an actual childhood. When [url=http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_makw8zdgeA1rounke.png]he[/url] was about 8 years old, his father (who had taken one too many loans from a rather unscrupulous moneylender) had a rather large bounty put on his head. A notably dangerous assassin, known only as Hatter, took the contract and quickly dispatched of the Carpenter. Alexander caught the assassin in the act and bravely (if foolishly) tried to attack his father's murderer. Though easily defeated and knocked down, Hatter took something of a keen interest in the boy, and, in a rare moment of guilt, took Alexander under his wing as an adoptive parent of sorts. Giving Alexander the new moniker of Katts, Hatter and the boy shared a close, though unloving relationship; lacking in affection but ample with mutual trust. Hatter taught Katts everything he knew about combat, assassination and stealth, with the boy picking up on such skills easily and effectively. Enough so that Hatter even allowed Katts to take the occasional contract of his own. The two of them journeyed from town to town for many years, becoming quite wealthy from their exploits but never spending their riches on anything other than basic necessities (though notably higher in quality). When Katts was 18 years old and wielding skills to rival Hatter's, the older assassin finally revealed an ultimatum to the young man: that they now had to fight to the death. There was no room in the Fairy Tale World for two equally skilled assassins, and Hatter stated that whomever was the victor would be considered the successor of the mantle. The two dueled in an extremely dangerous battle that seemed to never end, with the each of them knowing and countering the others moves. Eventually, though, Katts struck down his former mentor and set off on his own, taking his teacher's favored [url=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f9/c1/ac/f9c1acff8d799ad0af42626ab561570a.jpg]dagger[/url] as a keepsake. Katts journeyed off into the strange and mysterious land known only as The Wildes, a land reputed for being rife with dark magic and filled with unnatural creatures and powerful witches. It was here he encountered one of the Witches, who picked up on a talent for magic that even he was unaware of. Remaining in The Wildes for nearly 8 months, Katts emerged into the land of civilization a fully realized shapechanger. Katts saw this as a sign from the gods that he was truly meant to be an assassin. Now making quite the reputation for himself in a short period of time, Katts was eventually contacted by King Uther of Camelot, who had heard tales of Katt's skill and sought him to hunt down magic users in his kingdom. Accepting the offer, Katts, now just shy of 19, journeyed to Camelot as King Uther's Royal Assassin. It was here where he met the Sorcerer, Merlin, and the King's Ward, Morgana LeFay. Feeling something of a strange attraction towards the Ward, Katts and Morgana shared a mutual flirtation that resulted in many late night meetings for which they could share their attraction (though never reaching the point of making love). King Uther found out that Katts had been seeing Morgana, and promptly had him exiled from Camelot. Saddened but undeterred, Katts spent the next few years of his life continuing his work as an assassin for hire, maintaining a vast amount of wealth and a highly-justified reputation. When Maleficent eventually took over the Fairy Tale World as its Dark Queen, Fate decreed that she would meet up with Katts once again, the both of them older, wiser and more skilled. Maleficent took Katts on as her own personal assassin and spy, granting him a high place in her court, as well as political immunity. Katts now operates out of her castle, fulfilling contracts and spying on potential troublemakers, ensuring her rule is defended. [b]Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Katts never traveled to Earth, and thus has no history there. [b]Other:[/b] [list] [*]Katts is always prepared for nearly any situation, and thus is always equipped with blades at the ready around his person; consisting of his Vorpal Blade, a seemingly endless amount of throwing knives, and various daggers for different types of combat. [*]Katts has a rather unsettling habit of widely grinning whenever the whim strikes him, the display being what earned him the moniker of [i]'The Cheshire Cat.'[/i] [/list] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SV2v0HlMf0o]Katt's Theme[/url] [/color] [/center]