[hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Newnan%20Inner%20Wall&name=Arizonia-Regular.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][img]http://i63.tinypic.com/14439dk.jpg[/img][/center][hr] Well here it is, you have been waiting for this for a while now. You're sitting there biting your nails, wondering what hell you will have to deal with inside the inner wall once you trek back out there. What is going to happen inside and up in the bell tower and most of all you are wondering if LLA has finally rolled your number. Well, let's start out with the good news. NO ONE DIES THIS ROUND! So yeah, break out the confetti and have a little party but make it short, that was the only break that LLA has given you today so far. Now, let's get on to the bad news. All the noise has created a decent sized wall of Walkers at the front door and that is the only way out, so those of you that will be breaking out to make a sweep for the armory need to be ready to fight and fight hard to get through. There are some close calls while you push through to the corner of LeGrange and Gilbert but no one gets dead or bit. So just go. There are around 15 Walkers between you and that corner. At that corner you will have a bit of a breather - Stop there, next WN will tell you what happens next. Those of you inside, well things are completely calm. It is calm enough until those breaking out of the Main Building get out and then once they are out the door and unable to turn back you have a bit of a problem on your hands. While you sisters are closing that gate to make sure no Walkers file in after your buds have left, little Mr. Eden has managed to get loose. You turn around and see he is gone but there is a trail of mud headed up the stairs to the second floor but it quickly fades to nothing at the landing for the second floor. Where the fuck is that bastard? Up in the tower, you can see a lot, you see the commotion at the door but you really can't risk firing into the crowd with the melee occurring down there. You might hit Ash or Zoie or Lorna or Meg. You really want to risk being the one that takes one of them down? What you can do is take out walkers further out towards the armory, clearing a bit of a path if you will. Fuck, you see something, running down and ducking between the alley ways but was it a Newnanite or a member of Eden? From this distance you can't tell but you can tell they are making their way towards the Armory; they aren't there yet you don't think but trash bins and debris are making it impossible to tell exactly where they are at. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f6989d]Zoie Crawford[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-u2_Syk08bB0/T2Y5Uoj3jWI/AAAAAAAABiI/W1CWy2vDZTg/s1600/tumblr_lna6hnqqJm1qldxsmo1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Infirmary [b]Interacting With:[/b] [@Sigil], [@Charnobylisk], [@Nallore], [@Aewin][/center][hr] Zoie looked over towards Maria and let out a bit of a sigh. This was not how things needed to be dealt with right then. [color=f6989d]"Well don't ya worry yer pretty little head about Honkey Tonk, after the way you girls laid into him I doubt he's a threat to a gnat right now but you girls gonna need to explains yerselves once all this is done. Like to know why you jumped him like damn rodeo rider tryin' to take out a rabid bull. Could have saved that ass beatin' until after things were calm here ya know? Like him or not, man knows how to kill Eaters, could have used him out there but no, now we're down another Breather - Which means Froggy and that walking killin' machine are gonna be tied up even longer in that OR of yers. So that takes us down three for some spat. Think next time will ya? Ass beatin's wait till after we aren't surrounded by Eaters thinkin' we're an all you can eat buffet at a Buy Get One Free Meal Special at the Golden Coral,"[/color] she said quickly. She did want to know why the three had gone after him but right now it wasn't exactly a big concern. The big concern was Eden and Walkers; everything else could wait. Turning she looked at Ash and gave a slight nod of respect towards Leann. She didn't know the woman but if she was in command here and had helped to build this place, respect was due no matter what. [color=f6989d]"I know but Eaters are safer than Eden. I be explaining more when we gots time. Armory first for us, be on their hit list. Anywhere you keep children if there are any in the city will be second. Adamm prizes them young. Earlier you can start on them the better in his mind. They attack in groups of 6 usually, and there will be a minimal of 4 groups. By the sounds of things they probably took off with at least half of them but that leaves up to a dozen of them fuckers still out a wandering your area. How many of thems inside this zone, no tellin'. Once we reach the armory we should start sweeping buildings one at a time, working out from the armory and leave someone there in case they back track. Have Mr. James radio in anything he sees, that'll help tons,"[/color] she explained as quickly as she could, granted she was long winded in any situation but she couldn't help that. Just the way she was raised. Once all the information was done being exchanged she made her way to the door and narrowed her eyes, was a hell of crowd to break through. Looking around the girl got an idea. Grabbing the spare gurney she climbed on top of it and squatted down low as she gripped her weapon in one hand and eyed the gate. [color=f6989d]"One of ya'll lift the gate, rest of ya'll give me a hell of a shove. I get over the top of these fuckers I can draw them back some, or at least distract them enough for ya to get some of them brains on ya."[/color]