Hi! So I'm kinda new here, but I've been roleplaying for a while now. Nice to meet you and welcome to my thread. [color=39b54a][h3]Me as a Roleplayer[/h3][/color] [color=82ca9d]-I write 1-5 sentences each post, maybe more. (Free to High Casual) -I reply at least 1-3 times a week, sometimes more. -I'm a female, but I can play either a female or a male. -I'm fine with any mature and dark themes. Nothing I can't handle. -I don't like Historical and Fandom RPs that much, but you can convince me to do one. -I do almost all kinds of pairings, whether it be MxF, MxM, or FxF. -No necrophilia or bestiality. I'm sure everyone agrees. Hybrids are okay. -I'm fine with both thread or PM or email or whatever means of roleplay you want. -I would like some little chatting here and there, but if you don't want to, it's okay.[/color] [color=39b54a][h3]What I Expect[/h3][/color] [color=82ca9d]-Someone who would write at least a paragraph. No one-liners. -Good Spelling and Grammar. I don't expect perfect spelling and grammar. A few mistakes here and there are fine, just not every other sentence or so. I expect some effort in your part. -No text talk unless the character really talks like that. -I would like that you reply at least once or twice a week. -No ditching without notifying me. If you won't be able to reply for a while for whatever reason you have, just tell me. If you're not interested anymore and don't want to continue the RP, tell me. I don't want to be left hanging.[/color] [color=39b54a][h3]Plots[/h3][/color] X -Taken and Not Available [hider=Modern/Supernatural] [color=82ca9d]A poltergeist has stayed in the house for a long time. All he ever wanted was someone to talk to because he always felt lonely living alone. He tried to make other people who went in his home notice him and hopefully make friends with him. And it did work, only they were scared away. Now, people in the neighborhood say the house was haunted. There was a girl who didn't believe in ghosts nor the talks about it. She had decided to buy it. Can the poltergeist get through her?[/color] I have no preference for who I will portray as. Romance is possible, but not a must. Genders can be switched in this RP. [/hider] [hider=Modern -X] [color=82ca9d]She needed to summon a powerful being to help save her family. Using a book of magics that she had found in the public library, she did the preparations and procedures up to the incantation, but as she was saying the last of it, she mispronounced the name of the being she was to summon. Who would come out instead?[/color] I want to be the being she summoned. No romance in this RP, just friendships. [/hider] [hider=Medieval/Romance (MxM)] [color=82ca9d]The leader of the knights of Ardia suddenly disappeared during a patrol. Many of the citizens of Ardia have guesses on what could've happened. Killed or defected are just some of it. The royal family didn't believe in such rumors. The prince, who had been mentored by the missing knight, was tasked to search for him. Determined to bring him back, he set out to the forest where he was last seen by his fellow knights, only to find out he had been enchanted by the fairy queen, and now he has to break him out of the spell and save him.[/color] I would like to be the knight. I will also be controlling the fairy queen. [/hider] If you don't like any of the plots above, I'm open to any suggestions and whatever genre.