Okay, so I've created the spreadsheet(s). There are two tabs (sheets) in this document; one for the individual characters and one for the Houses. Anyone can make edits, so feel free to adjust it as we go along. To help with color-picking, just highlight the field you want in the Legend to the left of the tables and then CTRL-C to copy, CTRL-V to paste. That will make it a lot easier. I've left room for five more columns before the Legend for more characters, so if you'd like to add someone, go ahead. If we need to make room, that's easily doable. The colors in there right now are just some examples I've put in based off of what I've read/remembered between last night and now. By all means, make adjustments if you feel I was off. You can also add new colors and statuses to the Legends to clarify a relationship. [url=https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=953C99BFB66BE497!46043&authkey=!ALxunZjWQm4Jy_A&ithint=file%2cxlsx]Click here to view/edit the spreadsheets[/url].