[quote=@Blight Bug] It seems worse than that - he's dead, GM. Star Trek aside, is the guy visibly alive or not? [/quote] Maybe he has reraise cast on him so comes back to life and is like, "so anyways, as I was saying..." :lol Kodor is really strong and had him in a bad position, so this might be the best course of action or else he would never be able to beat someone on this guy's level if not here. Kind of sucks that the dragon was able to kill the white mage with him who was talented enough to use reraise. So yeah, he'll be visibly dead for a bit but with a strange aura about him. [quote=@CrystalCHTriple] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXakXogkfME]Whenever Kodor takes action.[/url] I think I want to include a bard. Kodor the Barbarian and Crouching Enior, Drunken Elf, would make for songs of legend. And if anyone wants to collaborate in making a character with me, I do not mind. Character and world building... that's what I do! [/quote] I was thinking of making a thief girl. We could use a nimble, rapid striking character in our party. A currently airing anime does have a thief girl somewhat like the one I have planned, but whatever. I've wanted to use one for a while.