[center][h3][sub]Brynn Wild[/sub][/h3] [sup]Close by [@TheIrishJJ], [@TheUnknowable], & [@Overlord24][/sup][/center] I clung to the trunk of the tree in hopes of staying hidden. I could just barely make out what the two - wait, now three, men looked like, let alone what they were saying. Two sounding very formal and militant, most likely Regime soldiers. The other, however, sounded like he was fumbling on his words, possibly a young kid. [i]'Another rebel? ..gods help him. Hope he makes it out of there.'[/i] I looked down at Vi who was still crouched in the bush below me, thinking to myself, [i]'If something goes down, we'll be there to help.'[/i] Placing my hand over my chest where Grimm's ball was safely tucked away in my sleeveless vest beneath my jacket, I whispered under my breath, [b]"They won't take any more of us."[/b] Vi began to get restless below me, and I could feel it.. [i]but could they see her?[/i] From above, I could just barely make out her head and ears, enough to know she was still there at least. I'd hoped she'd picked a thick enough bush that from a straight on view, she couldn't be seen. [b][i][color=lightcoral]'-a long time since she met another of her species.'[/color][/i][/b] I focus my eyes over to the group ahead, and just make out two men [sup]as I'd assumed[/sup] in Regime soldier outfits, and the young boy standing with them. Much smaller than the two giant soldiers standing before him. Staying put in my tree, I hardly allow myself to breath and remain as still as a statue in attempts to not be seen. I needed to get out of here, but not till they dispersed. There was too much action around here, and I needed to be back on the move at least make it into New York by morning. I had about another hour of travel left before I could accomplish that.