As soon as Row'tu caught a glimpse of the monster's level, a lone thought shot through her mind: [i]'You do [b]not[/b] want to be hit by that thing.'[/i] Choosing to listen to her conscience and act upon it, Row'tu pushes hard on her carrier's chest to release her from said person's grip quickly, hopefully using enough force to get the message across that she was trying to get out of the Black_Rabbit's hands quickly on purpose. Of course, with the speed they were running, Row'tu tumbled on the ground a bit, however immediately made sure to state she was OK so her courier wouldn't need to distract precious time on her. "I'm OK!" Row'tu says, gradually getting to her feet as the beast roared. "We need to avoid getting hit by this guy; he's level 25, so-" Row'tu was cut off as shadowy tentacles bound her feet, keeping her stuck. "U-uwah!" The girl with glasses fell back from having her mobility suddenly constricted, managing to keep at least one arm free from the tentacles should they proceed to coil her upper body limbs also simply by holding onto her staff. Things weren't looking too good for her, that was for sure. However, two could play the bind game... "Immobal Root!" Row'tu announced as she cast a spell. Just like how the monster had bound her with a spell, she thought of doing the same. However her spell was significantly weaker than the monster's due to the massive gap in level. Even so, she had enough support spells to hold out for a little while if Black_Rabbit had been caught as well...