[color=ed1c24][b]Ruby[/b][/color] The girl could already make out the town center, it was only a few more roofs away! As she jumped over a small gap, one of the monsters suddenly appeared right in front of her. [i]Oh well, this makes things interesting[/i] she thought, ready to attack the creature as soon as it gave her an opening. What happened next though was unexpected. The skill "Call of the wild" appeared briefly above its head, and out of thin air 3 more monsters materialized all around her. One LV17 would have been a tough challenge, but 4 of these things at the same time? The ninja's smile turned into a sour grin. [i]Crap...what no[/i] she couldn't even finish the thought, as every creature attacked her with what seemed a thousand tentacles. Ruby tried to dodge away, but the tentacles were too many and too quick. One managed to grab her foot, a few more grabbed her by her right arm. With the free hand she grabbed her Kunai, and started slashing angrily at everything that moved. If she wanted to get out of this, she would have to be quick. After a few slashes, the grip on her right arm got loose, giving her just enough time to grab another smoke bomb. [color=ec008c]"So long suckers!"[/color] Ruby announced cheerfully, dropping a little pouch that engulfed everyone on the roof in smoke. The ninja used the opportunity to slash away a few more tentacles, hoping that the rest of them wouldn't be able to grab her through the smoke. When she managed to set herself free, she rolled to the edge of the roof, and slowly dropped down to the street below. If she wanted to get away undetected, she had to stay away from heights, where she could easily be spotted. Hiding under her hood, she started running towards the city center.