[h3]Stadak[/h3] [b]Coruscant - Jedi Temple[/b] Alek's Rally [hr] The Jedi Temple; a site of calmness, solemnity and peace for so many. Its hallowed halls are a refuge from the chaos and uncertainty of the Planetary city outside, where there is no emotion, there is peace. For Stadak, returning to the Temple always allowed him to shrug off the burdens of duty and reputation he carried in the wider galaxy. Out there, he represented the entire Jedi order and the republic as a whole whereas in here he was one among many, just another face in the crowd. Even as he stepped off the transporter and beheld the majestic sight of the Temple's entrance, he could already feel a calm over taking his being. With a brief smile at his Padawan, he started to ascend the steps. In his mind, he ran through some of the beings he'd encountered on this most recent trip. An interesting species of subterranean beetles that survived by eating plants from the roots up, a bird that utilised four wings at once, and several more species he'd never seen catalogued in the Jedi archives. It often surprised Stadak that others were not willing to study the movements and biologies of diverse alien fauna nor to enter their findings into the archives. He was so involved in mentally writing out his entry to the archives that he didn't pick up the waves of bellicose emotion flowing from a small group at the top of the procession way. But as he went to move past them, he caught a few words of the discussion that shook all thoughts of plant eating beetles from his mind. Looking at the man addressing the crowd, he immediately recognised the form of Alek, a well respected figure in the Temple. His words did not sit well with Stadak at all, though he wagered he could guess what his apprentice, Taiko Tachibana, would think of all this talk of righteous defence and the shirking of glory. Youth tends to gravitate to such causes and Stadak was sure he was just as susceptible to its siren call in his own youth. Still, better to involve himself in debate that disapprove from a distance. Stepping forward though the crowd, he moved to the forefront and addressed Alek directly. "[color=forestgreen]Forgive me if I ask you to retread what you have already spoken of, brother, but I am recently returned to Coruscant and must ask you; what has the council said of this venture? Have they approved of this... gathering?[/color]" he asked, casting a quick glance across the Jedi with ignited lightsabers thrust skyward or sheepishly deactivating them.