[quote=@boomlover] [@Dynamo Frokane] DAMMIT I COULD HAVE AT LEAST TRIED DAMN YOU I COULD HAVE TRIED !!!!! But beside the drama and all that stupid jazz.[@Section] What kind of weapons can my airplane have? And could ya maybe do the weight part for me? I seriously have no idea how i could do that accurately. ps English is not my natural langue. So that could explain making it hard to read sometimes. [/quote] Oh, no problem for the language, I totally understand! As for weapons, it can have just about anything under the sun, from realistic stuff like an air-to-air guided missile to absolutely crazy stuff like flame-throwers and bomblet launchers. Refer to the following for the basics: [quote=OP] Weapons Descriptions: (Detail which weapons you have and what they do,) All planese have a single forward facing minigun, AND 20 non homing standard rockets, any extra miniguns you hold will add to the weight of the plane and decrease agility, you may hold up to 8 missile/rocket/special gadget type weapons of any kind, for each one it will add to your weight) [/quote] As for weight, there's no precise way to do it, unless you really want to get involved and calculate weights with real measurements and all, which isn't at all necessary for what we have going here, as is said in the last rule of our OP. Just go by feeling, imagining the weight of each weapon you add (perhaps by researching real equivalents and checking the weight?), and telling yourself that the more you add, the heavier and less maneuverable the aircraft will be. Get what I mean? What Dynamo said is important as well, just look at he first iteration of the RP and go from there. Best of luck! [@Dynamo Frokane], I'll be writing a post in Shine City for the next hour or so, but I'll try to at least get started on a brief before I go to bed.