It being one of the first games means nothing if it remains the same and still survives as a series. The point was that progress was restarted. Even if the 'doors remain unlocked', one would still have to do the footwork back to them. You also repeated the exact rule you're trying to circumvent. 1 prep a turn means you can only ever amass or focus on a single thing per turn. To be able to leave your prep half-cooked still is a tricky workaround that I'm not comfortable with. I find it quite funny, actually, that you put words in my mouth and then build counter arguments to those invisible assertions. I never implied 'rules' are the only way to legitimately earn damage. I implied they are needed to maintain structure. I only ask we abide by the general rules of the style were playing. You are the one arguing from a corner, fighting tooth and nail to work around the rules that you already agreed to. I already voiced that if we aren't doing T1E then I have no desire to continue. It was your urging that compelled me to keep at this, but if you are no longer interested then paint us the same color. I suppose we will wait for [@Rilla] to decide if this should count as ranked or not. Regardless, Corban forfeits!