I've made a demon~ I'm aware that I've made several liberties with the nature of demons in this RP and if there's anything that needs fixing or if I got anything wrong just say so. [hider=An Affable Demon ] Name: "Alex Stahl" (Real name: Alastor Cygnus), Owner of the Starlight Millennium Casino Age: Unknown (As a demon, he never bothered to keep track of his age). He has, however, been spotted since the 1800s. Falsified ID claims he is 19 Gender: male Appearance: [hider=Alastor Cygnus] [img]http://i.imgur.com/qEdg0gg.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: Alastor Cygnus is quite affable for a demon. He will never willingly engage in violence, finding doing so somewhat barbaric and that "there is no point in throwing off non-sentience if all we're going to do with our new-found sentience is fight again". Despite - or perhaps because he is - a demon the idea of loyalty is one that he admires. He considers himself loyal to those he makes promises to and will never break any sort of vow or oath. He considers this his way of proving his sentience over other, mindless demons. This does not mean that he does not derive enjoyment out of the suffering of humans - to him, the sight of humans despairing over losing entire fortunes and spiralling into massive losses within his casino are all delightful to him. When it comes to magical children he does not view them as enemies but instead would view them as a bear would be around her cubs near a hunter. He considers humans and demons as species that would be forever at odds with each other not out of any sort of morality but simply because they are as incompatible as a snake and a mongoose. Due to his vows he will not antagonize magical children but should they see him as a demon to exorcise then he will gladly defend himself. Alastor despises humans who corrupt and become demons. While those who fall due to the actions of his peers are understandable, those who fall out of personal sin or vice are traitors to their own people and race. If they are willing to betray their own humanity then they are untrustworthy, and it is because of that he never trusts them as demons either. Powers: [i]Corruption:[/i] The base ability of any modern demon, Alastor has the power to corrupt humans. [i]Physical Alteration:[/i] In order to blend into modern human society Alastor learned the secrets of self modification and the ability of changing one's appearance. He does this to look as human as possible and so that people don't shout or scream when they see him. [i]Property Alteration:[/i] As the next level of his own physical alteration Alastor is capable of giving mundane objects magical properties such as enchantments, changing their shape altogether or even transmuting them into different elements. He is, however, subject to the law of conservation of mass. He can even grant exorcist attributes onto weapons and objects he is altering although the process is quite dangerous on him simply due to the fact mishandling the object could be inconveniently painful. In order to do alter objects he requires direct physical contact with the object he is altering. History: Alastor Cygnus was one of the first demons to gain some form of sentience and rise above the status of mindless monster, rising and visiting the human world during the age of exploration and empire. Having stayed out of the underworld due to the mistaken belief that he was an anomaly he travelled the human world, spreading some form of misery or disaster - although he insists that most were quite unintentional. Learning to stay in the human world longer bit by bit he began thinking as his sentience and mind grew. Thinking on the existence of demons and humans, thinking on their relationship, thinking on the nature of their conflict. During this time, Alastor met the local priest of the community he had made his home. Although the priest instantly realized what he was - or at the very least had an idea - the two still became odd friends, finding mutual companionship in discussions of theology and philosophy. The two of them also played a lifelong game in which Alastor would consistently tempt the priest in an attempt to corrupt him while the Priest would do his best to try and redeem him - both things which the other thought were impossible. Time, however, soon took its toll and the priest succumbed to age. On his deathbed Alastor, who looked no different from the day they had met decades ago, finally made a vow that he would never harm innocent humans, something which he knew would severely weaken him, out of respect of their friendship and that it would be what the preist wanted. As such, Alastor soon began rapidly losing strength. When the new Demon lord was crowned, Alastor returned to the underworld for one purpose and one purpose only: to challenge her position and aim to dethrone the demon lord. Entering the underworld with seven exorcist weapons of his own creation under the belief that seven was a powerful number, he challenged the demon lord and contested her crowning. He will fully admit afterwards that he had been "quite soundly defeated". As one of the first demons to have been granted sentience he should have been one of the most ancient - and thus, one of the most powerful. However, years of fulfilling his vow to his late friend had severely weakened him. Had he never met the priest it was entirely possible that he would never have lost his power and he could very much have won. Instead, he valued his loyalty over his power despite the weakness he knew it would bring up on him and lost as he did. Defeated, wounded and on the run, Alastor hid himself in the human world. Watching the eras fly by, he finally made an appearance in the human world under the stolen identity of "Alex Stahl". Using a large sum of transmuted gold as his start-up finance he opened the now famous [i]Starlight Millennium[/i] Casino in London England. A very legitimate businessman, he nevertheless is still a demon. [/hider]