[hider=I will not admit to crying while writing her history] Name: Naomi Friedman Magical Child Name: Silver Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=88930509[/img] Appearance after transformation: [img]https://images.alphacoders.com/572/thumb-350-572493.png[/img] Personality: Naomi is cheerful and friendly, and very protective of those she cares for. She would easilly lay her life on the line for the sake of her friends, and has a high degree of empathy. She hides a darkness inside her however, a hatred toward all demons that burns away at her mind and heart. Gimmick/Theme behind Powers: Protection Psychological weakness: Children Powers: Guardian - Naomi has superhuman strength and toughness, mostly focusing on toughness. Shield - Naomi can generate energy shields around her. History: Naomi has always been the oldest child in her familly, daughter of a japanese woman and an american man. She was five when her twin brother and sister were born, and from then on her parents told her it was her responsibility to protect them. She took that to heart, helping take care of them, watching them when their parents couldn't, and when they were old enough walking them to and from school. For ten years, she loved and protected her siblings, but on a midsummer day visiting her mother's home, a demon attacked a shrine she was visiting, possessing a man already on the verge of madness. The man had a gun, and before anybody even knew what was happening, he shot Naomi's brother, killing him instantly. Naomi imediately ran to him and her sister, driven by instinct rather than her already crumbling psyche, but the man fired again before she could get there. As he turned the weapon on Naomi as she collapsed over her siblings, the spirit residing in the shrine took action, bonding with Naomi to protect her and give her the power to defend herself. The demon possessing the man was relatively weak, and in fear of the spirit fled back to it's own world, but the spirit couldn't undo the damage that had been done. [/hider]