[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/qdBl4ak.png[/img][/center] [h1]IC Information:[/h1] [indent][quote][b]“Kidnapping spree? – Five Teens Gone Missing From New York City. ”[/b] [color=d3d3d3]– The Times [/color] [b]“Amber Alert officially announced as five teens have been kidnapped.”[/b] [color=d3d3d3]– The Tribune [/color] [b] “What to do if you find one of the kidnapped children of New York.”[/b] [color=d3d3d3]– The Post[/color][/quote] Whenever a kid runs away, it can be tough on their parents. Self-doubt and other devastating ideas can easily creep into the minds of even the best parents. Not this time. This time, the kids aren’t wandering. They’re running [i]from[/i] something. They’ve all got their reasons, now that they’ve got each other it’ll be a marathon to escape the far reaches of their parents. To the rest of the world, they’re runaways, they need to be returned to their parents. To each other, they’re all they’ve got. [quote][b]“ [SPECULATION] Six Reasons why the kidnapped kids might have runaway.”[/b] [color=d3d3d3]– Reddit[/color] [b]“Top Ten Reasons the New York spree of Kidnapping is partially Generation X’s Fault.”[/b] [color=d3d3d3]– Buzzfeed[/color] [b]“guys keep reblogging this until we find them, [i]blast this shit[/i]”[/b] [color=d3d3d3]– Tumblr[/color] [/quote] They found out less than a week ago. They all hopped in a Jeep and took off. While each of the Runaways have different experiences, are different people, each of them witnessed their parents do something heinous in unison. The killing of an innocent person. There isn’t many shades of grey in that one. Now that they’ve cleared the city things have gotten a little more relaxed though. They’re going to have to get used to being around one another, and perhaps worst of all – they’re going to need to find a solution. Can they be runaways forever? Public opinion is generally that they are wanted to return home. Being seen in public is definitely going to be difficult when they’ve plastered ever milk carton this side of Kansas with their faces on it. Their parents are relatively stubborn individuals, and by using the press and spinning stories of some of the younger kids being kidnapped by a couple of the older ones they have woven a tale that has most of America looking for the Runaways. [quote][b]“We just want our children to come home, we miss them dearly. While it may be easy to shift blame on someone else, especially one of the kidnappers [i]all[/i] will be forgiven if they simply return where they belong, with us.”[/b] [color=d3d3d3]– Parents of the Runaways, Statement.[/color][/quote] [/indent] [hr] [h1]OOC Information:[/h1] [indent][b]TL;DR – You are playing as a Runaway, one of five-eight children/young adults who have run from their parents upon discovering the fact that they are supervillains. Your character, very likely has abilities beyond that of a normal human, what that means is open to discussion – of course, making it not too powerful is a chief concern. The RP will be mostly slice of life, with some heavy plot points tacked onto it as the Runaways move across the country. [/b] This RP is heavily inspired by the Marvel Comic Series of the same name, however – and I cannot stress this enough, this work is completely original and separated from Marvel. There will not be any already created characters being accepted to this RP. Basically all of our guys and gals shall be romping it up through the States primarily while trying to avoid their parents and general public detection. This can create some great opportunities for [s]smooching[/s] bonding and generally I think it will be a great time. If you have any ideas for plot-based events let one of the GM’s know and we’ll work on it together! While this RP will be beginning in San Francisco, don’t get too attached to the Golden Gate as the kids will have to stay on the road as anyone seeing them, or witnessing their abilities will be a difficult thing to recover from and will most likely require leaving town in order to avoid detection. [hr] [h1]Setting:[/h1] In a generalized sense, this is the world you know and live in currently. However, there are a multitude of minute differences. These can go anywhere from alien races (though they are not in contact with Earth), mutants cropping up, genetic testing performed by the government, and even magic. The GM team is pretty much open to whatever you’re going to get at, and as such let us know if something you want is not on the list and we will talk about implementing it. In a more focused lens, the RP starts in the Union Hotel & Hostel in Mission, San Francisco. The Runaways are attempting to lay low while figuring out what they know and where they need to go. Seeing as San Francisco puts 2000+ miles between them and their parents based in New York – they have been able to relax a little. However, now that they are officially being sought out by their parents nowhere is truly safe and leaving the country is next to impossible. [hr] [h1]Character Types[/h1] [h2]Mutants:[/h2] Mutants are different from birth, typically they develop an ability that would easily be deemed superhuman from birth. If two mutants have a child – there is a nigh-perfect chance to birth a mutant. While humanity is aware that they exist on some scale, they are largely unaware of how powerful they can end up being. Every once in a while there is a scary news story discussing the threat of mutations and the abilities they may possess, every once in a while there may even be a story about a mutant gone rampant. However, the world is truly lacking on information especially when considering how many mutants truly exist. [h2]Enhanced Humans:[/h2] The term Enhanced is a somewhat catch-all term for those who have been enhanced at some point in their life through any means. Most Enhanced Humans started their lives as regular humans, though it is possible their parents have put them through enhancements. These enhancements can go from anything to chemical injections to complete reconstructive surgery in order to create an enhancement of some sort – but nowadays that enhancement can come in almost any form, even alien technology. Unlike many other types of abilities, the world is fully aware the military and government have been enhancing people and there are those on both sides of the issue. [h2]Aliens:[/h2] [hider=Alien Species Dossier] The race of the Avalians comes from an unknown planet to Earth, known as Avalia to it's natives, and currently unlocated by Earth space probes. The Avalians are an advanced specie - several planets have been captured by them to set up colonies and hopefully expand their empire - in a peaceful manner, of course. They are aware of Earth's existence, but feel no pressure in coming into contact officially with the young planet - it is still far too trigger happy, and they'd prefer another Alien race risk their arses by landing there first. As for Avalia herself, she is a united planet - although political borders did exist and countries warred against one another in the past - the people have evolved past this, having combined and united their forces eons ago to expand into the stars. Their government is a democratic one, with eleven established leaders voted for by the public - each representing a point on their sacred star. While being technologically and scientifically advanced compared to humans, they additionally have access to mystical powers - lying in the eleven elements of the planet, and said eleven making up the points of the star worshiped in their main religion. The powers are as follows, with the rarest first, and most common last: [hider=Affinities and Elements] [b][i]Soul;[/i][/b] This power is the rarest, and potentially most dangerous of the elements - the ability to rip somebody's soul from their body, and mold it your own will is a heinous act, and as such, purges of Avalians with this power took part centuries ago. Now, the last Avalian to have had this power existed 300 years ago, and they themselves were killed as a child in the fear of them using this power to evil ends. [b][i]Mind;[/i][/b] While this power itself is also fairly rare, those with it are not considered to be as dangerous as those with the affinity in the Soul element - total control of a Mind is impossible, due to the presence of a Soul in one's body. Therefore, those with the affinity of the Mind are able to compel other's actions, speak telepathically, and even momentarily take a hold of someone's mind if their will is weaker than most. [b][i]Body;[/i][/b] The affinity with the body is not so much controlling it, as one would with the mind or soul, but altering it. Not in the manner of shape-shifting either - rather used for healing properties... or the opposite. Those with the affinity of the body can help heal wounds, prevent the healing process, or make it a wound deteriorate rapidly. However, for any major injuries to occur, minor ones must have already occurred there in a natural state - for example, one with this affinity wouldn't be able to cause internal injuries or broken bones on a healthy human body, but if that person has, say, sprained their ankle, the area can be weakened and damaged further. [b][i]Light;[/i][/b] The manipulation of light is a curious one, considering the Avalians see it as it's own element, whereas darkness is not. Those with the affinity for Light can manipulate it at will - even able to turn it into a malleable substance that one can touch and feel. It makes for excellent force-fields, and even high powered beams much akin to lasers. However, it is not used so much offensively, as it is a hard thing to control - light is a destructive force, and has consumed many Avalians who have found themselves using it too much. The light is not solar, nor radioactive - it is it's own entity, and a treacherous one at that. [b][i]Time;[/i][/b] This affinity allows one to see time in a different perspective - those with the power to control can momentarily slow (But not stop - an impossibility, as time is forever fluid and forever moving), or see through time, either in the past or in the future. This often comes in the form of visions, which take years to master into something one can control consciously - while untrained, the visions come and go as they please, which is rarely kind to the Avalian. As for time travel, it is only possible to do so if one shares an Affinity in both Time and Space - a rarity in itself, and one cannot take passengers on such travels. [b][i]Space;[/i][/b] Quite simply, 'tis the affinity to travel through space without actually moving physically - in simpler terms, teleportation. Depending on the strength and honing of said affinity, one can go far, and eventually, to a place they have never visited before - a risky thing to do, for one must have the place in mind to actually teleport there. This is one of the more common affinities found on Avalia, but nobody has been able to teleport onto another planet as of yet. The few who have attempted such tasks have been lost to the void; therefore, not many are willing to try again. [b][i]Fire;[/i][/b] One of the four basic elements that Avalia shares with Earth - a somewhat common one, the Fire affinity allows the manipulation of flame - but not the conjuration or destruction of it. They can increase or decrease an inferno, controlling it so precisely they could burn a man alive without scorching the grass he stood on - but they cannot create a flame, nor wipe one out completely. Of course, the wiping out process can be as simple as simmering a blaze down to a single flame and stamping out what is left over, but the affinity itself does not allow such acts. [b][i]Heat;[/i][/b] The controlling of temperature - those with this affinity can increase or decrease the temperature of things around them; in the Avalian armed forces, they often work closely with those with a Fire affinity, increasing the temperature of something to create the flame their comrade needs to cause havoc. Additionally, they can create frost and ice - on more than one occasion, they team up with those with a water affinity to create snow during particularly boring winters. [b][i]Air;[/i][/b] Another of the four major elements, and a very common one to be found on Avalia - the manipulation of air allows many to fly and even re-direct storms. This is generally frowned upon, as nature is to be left alone as much as possible. [b][i]Water;[/i][/b] The affinity of Water ties in very strongly with the other most common element of Ground - those with these affinities are generally very temperate and calm people, and as such, Water is rarely used offensively. Manipulating water should only be used for the gentler actions of giving life. [b][i]Ground;[/i][/b] As mentioned, Ground is a highly common and calming affinity to have - although stated as ground, it focuses more on plant-life than the actual planet itself. The growing and tending of nature is a joy to those with the affinity with Ground - and while never used offensively, Avalians both with the Ground and Water affinities have been instrumental in the taking over of planets, especially those that require terraforming. When any conflicts have ended over territory, these Avalians are there to re-grow the plant life and make these planets lush, beautiful Edens like Avalia herself. Thanks to this, many planets don't really chafe under Avalian rule, as they were in a poorer state before they showed up. [/hider] [hider=Power Chart] [img]http://i.imgur.com/F0Zss19.png[/img] [/hider] Each point on the star represents an element, and each element is personified as a Deity in the religion of the Avalians; the five on the left are female, the five on the right male; and Soul at the top is a genderless, bodiless entity with no name nor face. For regardless of the dangerous nature that an Affinity with Soul may create, it is still revered as the most powerful of the Avalian Gods. Most consider it to be life, and death, and every emotion inbetween those two points. As for the other Deities, they each represent something specific, that usually is related to their Element - for example, Space - represented by Sanga - personifies logic, as without such thinking, the Avalians would have never studied nor reached the stars; she also shows the similarity of the two - Space is an empty void, and logic is void of emotion. Other than their mystical powers, the Avalians are biologically identical to humans, what with having evolved on similar planets with similar conditions - however, their life expectancy is far longer, with the oldest Avalian having reached the age of 237 before dying peacefully of old age. Up until the age of around thirty, they age quite similarly to humans, only slowing down once all growing has come to a stop. While the affinities are rated in their rarity, most of them are of similar power levels to one another, barring Soul. It depends on the Avalian them self as to how far their powers will take them - and it is generally unheard of for an Avalian to develop only the one affinity. The usual is two or three, with some people even discovering a surprising fourth one when they're middle-aged. Five or more powers are incredibly rare, so such things usually lay in the works of fiction and Avalian superheroes. The gathering of said affinities are not hereditary, and it is still unknown as to how such powers are developed, or why some get certain ones. Many are quite happy to believe it is down to the Gods, and to fate - for their story is mapped about for them, long before they or their parent's parent's were even conceived. [/hider] [h2]Magic Users:[/h2] Magic comes in many forms, druidic magic, European witch-based magic, cheap tricks. What is known is very little, however magic is known to take nearly any form. The general public impression is that it doesn’t exist. However, as it obviously does there are a few important things to note. Most magic comes in the form of something supplementary, say the druidic form of shapeshifting for example. While it can be taught to be used in an offensive manner the core ability is rather supplementary. Past that all magic users are still human underneath all those fancy spells. Thusly fatal wounds are still very much fatal. [h2]Other/Human:[/h2] Come talk to the GM’s and we will discuss whatever ideas you may have that you want to implement in this RP. [hr] [h1]Rules:[/h1] [list][*] No knowledge of basically anything required – I can and will work with you to figure out any questions or concerns you may have. [*] No knowledge of pre-existing superhero/Marvel lore. Again this is completely original save for the basic premise being borrowed. We will be forging our own path and who/what your character is, is completely your call. [*] No anime pics; real face claims only – preferred actors/actresses/public figures just in case anybody uses their own face. [*] High Casual standard, 2 paragraph per post minimum (in most situations). Looking more for quality of ideas and creativity than prose. [*] No knowledge of American geography is necessary. Seriously don’t worry about it if you have any questions you can turn to the GM team or Google – no one here is a stickler for geographical accuracy though.[/list][/indent]