[@kishin asura] No wavelengths matched that of what he would expect form such a ruler, one full of malice and madness. Simply, a group of people, prideful, their souls unstable with madness encroching. He'd not find Malakai there, but mayhap even still, a worthy challenge, as one soul in particular stood out. Rather than mad, it was prideful.Rather than malice, it was honor. Rather than the want to destroy. It was the want to protect, and to dominate. This man stood out like a sore thumb.... [@Tyki] The guard makes no real attempt to follow him, however, a large man wearing no chest plate walks forwards. This man radiates a aura of power, dispite not wearing the blood armor on his chest, his body laced with thick muscle. "You....you've killed one of my men. For what reason have you done this?" He barks out, obviously annoyed, yet he doesn't pull any weapon. He simply stares at the drifter, with his red eyes, seemingly tainted with blood....