[center][b][i]Sam Fisher[/i][/b][/center] Sam nodded to the oddly dressed man, hoping what he said was true and that he had found an unlikely ally in these woods. Indigo's voice began to fade however as instincts took over. He had just offered to come with Sam when Bo let out a low even growl. Sam stole a gaze towards Bo, eyeing his meaty paw as it lightly scratched the ground in the direction of their flank before finally setting it down and grinding his pads into the dirt. Sam could almost read Bo's mind by now, acting as one. The scratching indicated the direction, the grinding meant whatever it was was nearly on top of them. [i]Behind us. Close range.[/i] Sam thought to himself. If Bo thought it was a threat he would have told him before now. Whoever it was, surely wasnt Regime. They always carried a particular smell that Bo could usually pick up. Perhaps it was the clothes issued to them. Whatever the case, Sam wrenched his conscious back to the odd man in front of him. "Its a pleasure to meet you Indigo. Youre more than welcome to join us, but know the path ahead isnt safe. I wont tolerate neutrality. I intend to make that very clear in the coming days." Sam said, hoping his crude words struck the appropriate chord with the man. He couldnt afford to be compromised this close to the city. Sam turned on his heel, giving his back to the man and calling to Bo. "That goes for you to, if you plan on tagging along." Sam directed the sentence to a bush some feet away. He started forward, not bothering to exchange pleasantries with yet another stranger. "Both of you should know, if I find out youre Regime, ill kill you." he finished with solidarity. He nodded at Bo, indicating to him that he is on guard from here on out. The sun was rising, outlining the high rise of the city. Whether he found more Rebel forces or not, the trip here would not be a waste. That much, he guaranteed. [@Whimsley] [@Bigg Slamm]