[center][b][i]Unnamed NPC, Dr. Lowe's house[/i][/b][/center] His breathing still hadnt quite subsided. His leg was mangled from the fight with the first two Regime officers. For patrol officers, they worked surprisingly well as a team with their Absol and Sandslash. Must be because they were in the city. The rest of his wounds received while outrunning Shadow officers. Ghost types, all three of them. If it hadnt been for Houndoom he'd be dead. To be honest he wasnt sure he would live anyway. He had atleast two broken bones that he could tell and was unable to catch his breath. Houndoom faired a little better but was still in pretty rough shape, panting, even though they had been at rest for some minutes now. Sitting now, in the chair in this Doctor's house, he laughed out loud to himself. A safehouse. He wished. He walked into a strangers house declaring himself as a Rebel. Yet another mistake added to the list from the last 24 hours. He almost didnt care at this point. He succeeded in his mission. It wouldnt be long now before all the units chasing after him were called off to address more...pressing matters. He closed his eyes, breathing in deeply and smiling. If he died now, he died with honor, fighting for the Rebellion. "Hey Doc, im not feelin too hot. Im not sure why I was told to come here, but the reality is ive now put your life in danger." he wrenched the words out now, prying them from his burning lungs. "Youre gonna have some time to run. Regime's about to have their hands full. Youll know when its time to run. If you want to live I would. After what ive done...theyll kill you just for having spoken to me." he almost gasped the last words out. He was going to explain further but a resounding thud came from the other side of the door. Perhaps they were here for him already. "DOC!" he yelled louder than he probably needed to. Once the man's attention was his, he spoke his last words. A single, solemn tear ran down his cheek as his Houndoom pawed his leg. "When the lights go out, its time to go." With that the man hiccuped one last laugh before slouching over in the chair motionless as the Houndoom let out a horrific whine, mourning his master.