Thursday March 21st, 2016 [color=f6989d]7:58 PM[/color] Mina ran as fast as she could from her house, then slowed down when the park was in her sight. She had been able to have dinner with her brother, which she was grateful for, but it was extremely hard for her to ignore Max's disappointed stare. At least she wasn't late. When she arrived, she had caught her breath and could walk as if she was enjoying a walk in the park. There were already a few kids there, including The Fighting Boy and The Signing Boy, but not The Signing Girl. "When are we starting?" she asked to no one in particular, hoping that someone would reply. If no one did, she would feel very stupid, and she would probably have to move to Alaska. [i]Is this what I get for actually talking?[/i] She joined the kids at the fence, and pulled out her book from the messenger bag. Even if there were two minutes left until 'detention' started, reading was top priority. Plus, she had to finish the book so she could start another one. Mina read on until 'detention' started.