See neither of you said that till now. Divinity, your argument was that I'd need to charge it from the beginning. But runes don't get 'charged' so your arguments just didn't hold between both the IC and OOC, I had to manually translate your words. I translated 'charged' in to 'written,' and hell no, it wouldn't need to be written from scratch. So then what's the difference? That I focus entirely on the rune that was 'sort of prepped' in order to make it a full prep again? That'd take a second turn, therefore, two turns, two preps. I still don't see the problem, when your ruleset is as vague as your profile. So I'm allowed to create multiple runes, but there's no true example for which of them would count as the prep? Can you see how difficult this is for me to work with, when neither of you are actually being helpful? You're being as helpful as saying you're being helpful, which isn't helpful whatsoever. 1/10 on the help factor, you advertise your help like McDonalds advertises the size of their burgers. Unlike many others here, I'm willing to admit my pride may be marred, even if I win! Because lying is fucking petty, and one's pride should aspect many things. Even if slightly, if you did not apply your pride to this battle, then you are void of respect... for yourself, and me. I pride myself in everything I do, and if I'm judged wrongly, it's my pride that convinces me to vindicate myself. If you were insulted even once, that is a matter of your pride, don't try and act all high and mighty, I'm sure you're just another fleshy human like myself, who is capable of stress and pain. So there's no rule against me 'preparing' multiple runes at once, but there is one against a 'prep' for two runes at once; Because obviously it's a stronger and more influential word if you remove 5 letters from it. You make me hate T1EA, when I didn't originally, I love unique rulesets if they're established early and agreed upon. Perhaps someone else would be more lenient and understanding that T1EA didn't invent combat roleplaying, but a bunch of dicks who have never agreed on anything were the ones who invented T1EA. Label me whatever you wish, if your intent was to prove the usefulness of T1EA, you failed... (P.S I'm drunk and fully aware my argument may be slightly less skillfully executed as it should be... and I blame all of you for your constant harassing. My poor feelings. Boo hoo, I tantrum. Wah wah... jerkbutts.)