I'd take a hard introspective look and reevaluate my reading comprehension skills before I'd say something as blatantly false as 'you two weren't helpful'. We could have written it in menstrual blood on pearl walls and it still wouldnt have been clear to you. Using my vague profile again, that you consistently misquoted earlier, is surely as vague as a rule set that literally spells this stuff out. Clearly. We have said I don't know how many times that 'charging' is another word that can be used in place of prepping, and we already said an equal number of times that mechanically, all a charge is is a technique gaining power. What is there not to get? How can the runes not charge? Because of some flimsy pretense that your character doesn't 'power' his runes up? Why not just.... alter that, then? Talk about neglecting the most basic concessions. The problem is that you selectively listen to information. You are still making prepping a purely IC mechanic, when it functions more as an OOC balancing mechanic, which weve also said at least 3 times. How and why would you require an example for 'which of your runes counts as a prep"? What is difficult about that? It's up to [b]you[/b] which rune you'd like to prep. How dows the fault of this clear lack in comprehension from you get placed on us? Why would or should we need, or be expected to tell you what and how to prep? As for my 'high and mighty' demeanor, I'd also suggest you not apply your limitations to me. I have an ego the size of which could contend with the largest of them, make no mistake! But rp fighting, and this fight in particular, is not some lion chested declaration of auperiority. I've been fighting regularly since the early 200's. My days of doing this for bragging rights are long over. I'm just self sure and committed in my decisions and follow-throughs. Nor was this at all to prove t1E's usefulness. Where are you even pulling these straw men from? It was to structure this fight. Something you refuse to do. Also, good job associating the rules with how they're spelled, because that's definitely what dictates it.