"Why not just, you know, change that?" Cause I'm not full of shit, bro. The spells can't be charged, they don't increase in strength that way, they just activate the power that's predetermined in the profile I supplied you. I don't want to change how my character works just cause your ruleset doesn't apply to him... cause that absolves the fact I get to say 'hey, your ruleset doesn't apply perfectly, it's not good enough, people need to work on this.' That's something that's necessary when rules suck. It in fact helps rules, cause then better rulesets get to be created! You two have 0% say in how helpful you are. See, you're trying to tell me you're helpful when you're not, again! That shit's annoying bro, helpfulness isn't something you decide, it's decided by the person who is receiving help. Super basic stuff. I don't feel helped, end of discussion. You can't go try and be a teacher, fail everyone, and say. "Yeah they learned so much in my class." No they didn't, you sucked. "Prepping only works OOC" then why are you applying it to the IC? Oh, cause it actually has relevance IC? Then why did you say it didn't? Science damnit, and you wonder why you confuse the shit outta' me. Cause you say things... things that don't mean anything. Then you say. "Well you didn't understand." I'm drunk, so sure, you may have leverage there... but even my sober self can understand things that are explained skillfully. Problem is, nobody seems skilled at explaining themselves here. Shit, not even me, yet I'm the only one willing to admit faults! I'm misunderstood half the time, too! You've all proven that we're all arguing idiots! Half of me loves it! It's chaos, it's exciting! It's stupid as fuck and every moderator is going to absolutely fucking hate dealing with this! Wooooo! Yaaaay! Battle of the dumb dumbs. If I prepared a rune as a trap, and you step on it... what does it count as? A quick cast that you can ignore cause it's not a prep? Or a prep that you don't have the right handling on? Either way, it's a trap, and chances are, it may have caught you off guard. Half of Myron's runes can count as this. You're both making this soooooo difficult for me, I swear... Now we come to this; 'oh well Daz is trying to multiprep, he's a douche for that.' Well not really, you still didn't agree or disagree on how my runes & idioms may or may not count as preps whatsoever. You said he can create multiple runes, so berating me for counting 1 as a prep on one turn, and another as a prep the next turn, surely means you've entrapped me in to this idea. "Well he started creating both on the first turn!" Well that's because he has to, his spells take longer to finalize than his opponent's, and he's literally forced in to choosing between those two runes in the end. Obviously on that first turn he'd only be able to properly utilize one rune, one prep. I never said two preps would flourish on one turn, which was the original fit had. And the only line of the rulebook used against me was 'hey, don't use two preps in one turn.' Okay, I didn't, you're welcome. So what's the big deal? Oh, you don't like how I'm not bending over for you? Need someone to blame? Someone to put the entire fault of this mess upon? Alright guys, I'll be your man... shit, I'm totally used to that, actually! Practically half the people I know can't handle being responsible for messes they're partly to blame for. I just happen to be an excellent mop, thank you for choosing me!