[color=00a651][h3]Meirin Kurenai[/h3][/color] Meirin continued to pummeled the knight with blows of water until he got fed up. Apparently this wasn't the honorable combat he wanted, so instead of trying to put up a better fight he was going to go after Leith and Enasha. [color=00a651]"I'm your opponent, you dishonorable cur!"[/color] Meirin threw everything she had at the knight. She didn't bother trying to hit his weak points except as a lucky hit, and instead had her balls of water just swarm the knight and beat him down. As she did this Meirin readied another spell, this one easier to do quickly. She jumped into the air spinning her body round and round, her arms stretched out whilst holding her weapon. She spun at least eight times in a full rotation before the spell went off. Right before she touche the ground she was at the center of a wheel made of pure wind. This wheel allowed her to move very fast, but was hard to stop and only went in one direction at a time. But that was fine as she used the Wind Wheel to charge straight towards the knight. Right as the spheres of water dropped because Meirin was no longer maintaining them, she was about to knock out the knight's knee caps. [i][color=00a651]"Dammit! If only I had a different weapon to break through his armor!"[/color][/i] Meirin berated herself in her mind. She didn't expect to fight an armored knight here, but if she did she'd take a heavier weapon to deal with him. Her meteor hammers or wolf tooth club. [i][color=00a651]"I should have learned how to use Ssarak's pollaxe. Few of my weapons are useful against heavy armor like this."[/color][/i]