Work in Progress [hider=Thangoradrim] [center][h1][b]Thangoradrim[/b][/h1](your crest, symbol or flag can go here - optional)[/center] [b][h2]Location/Geography[/h2][/b] [hider=Map Claim][img][/img][/hider] #15 Thangoradrim is a heavily wooded and hilly region, with rocks and creeks aplenty along the landscape to the east. To the west, isolated mountains that contain iron, copper, and nickle are highly prized and settled by the local clans. Highlands and foothills around them are rich in clay and tin. The mountains hold 2 other valuable metals found nowhere else in the world, Baldr and Valdium. They also contain the great Musk Ox for clan mounts, predators like the Mountain bears of incredible size, and the venerable Drabarians. The mountains lead to watchtower clad foothills, that further lead into small farm lands and field that connect to the dangerous forest of Thangorad. The forest teems with huge beasts and perilous hills, such as Drumlins and Tors. Perilous because men unused to the forest often find it so thick that they fall off cliff edges or into deep creeks without them even knowing until they plunge. Storm Wolves, canines the size of ponies, are held in esteem and semi domesticated (Thanes use them for mounts) by the forest clans. To see a wild one heralds doom, though doom to the Thangoradrim or to their enemies, remains to be seen. The Eald Cabhaig River is vast and stretches across Thangorad forest, effectively splitting it in two. Eald Cabhaig is the source of most wetlands and creeks that slither over the landscape. There is a vast network of caverns beneath Thangor forest. Stone Trolls inhabit both these caves, and make homes in the mountains. Trollslayers are held in high esteem. The southern most portion of Thangoradrim is lowlands that are patrolled by clans with the small amount of horsemen they have. [b][h2]General Introduction[/h2][/b]Thangoradrim is a collection of Hunter/Warrior clans, ruled over by Thanes, who are in turn beholden to a High Thane. They are a proud and strong people, taking their fatalistic view of the world at large with admirable stoicism. They regard tales of War and Heroism highly, often asking young boys if they will grow to be "Fell men of good deeds." The people respect hard work greatly, especially work done by craftsmen. The Thangors are deeply traditional, yet give fair respect to all who give it in return. Despite their belief in hands on work being the most important kind, story tellers, poets, and song writers are in high demand and greatly enjoyed. The men of Thangoradrim pride themselves on being free men and warriors born, for who else could brave the woods of Thangorad but they? Who else were blessed by the Dragon, Broxxigar when the world was young? Who else was shown how to shape Valdium and Baldr? They will guard their land, await Broxxigar's return, and remain steadfast, even before the gates of hell and the unmaking of the world. [b][h2]History[/h2][/b] While every Clan has an honored scribe, most of the nation tells their history through oral stories. Some scholars believe that Thangoradrim was founded by refugees that had a shared history with the kingdom of Baile, but the Thangors have a different story. They tell of their people hailing from the Isles of Nal'thaggrasil. The men there were thralls to to Thaggs, giant beings of untold power who used the men for their labor and entertainment. It wasn't until the Dragonflights, lead by Broxxigar the Fiery, unchained them and sunk the island into the sea. Wherever they came from, what is known is that great ships of wood clad with shields landed on the southern portion of modern day Zhodul. Their ships were in disrepair, with claw and teeth marks upon their hulls. The men would only mutter about great sea creatures and storms, not bothering to explain. They clove their way into the southern forest that bordered the mountains and desert. This led to the meeting of the Eloians, and the war Thangoradrim would call the "Blooded" conflict (for it being their first good scrap since landing on the mainland) or "War of the Glades." Thangor scouts commented on how odd looking the Eloians looked to them, meaning no offense. They were attacked, noted here. [i]Without raising voices or arms against them, these horse men charged and fired upon us. A welcome fight to break in this new and harsh wilderness! It was not until a year later and many bodies of our foes staining the forested ground did we realize what they protected from us so vigorously. The Sacred Glades. If they had merely told us, we would have given fair and respectful distance. But this attack upon our persons and honor could not be ignored, and we drove the horsemen out of these lands and claimed it for our own. What a glorious time it was![/i] Step by bloody step, with stern faces and strong arms, the Thangors gained ground, throwing their new enemies into the desert to die. As they settled into their new home of peril, the first Druids were formed when they discovered the Fey spirits that surrounded the Glades. They made pacts with the spirits of the forest, pledging to always respect this sacred ground, and to protect the forest from outsiders. In return, the spirits gave each Thane a Storm Wolf companion, solidifying their pact. The Fey allowed the Thangors to make homes, small roads, and even gifted them with Valdium or "Moon Metal." The new conquerors ventured west, making their way into the mountains and coming into contact with the venerable Drabarians. They too awaited for the end of all things, and for Forgenhalst return (known as Broxxigar to them). The two warrior cultures became fast allies, and the Drabarians helped the Thangors shape and wield weapons of Baldr. When they had reached the western sea once more, and it awakened a long forgotten feeling in their hearts. The Exploration Guild was formed within a decade, and with the vast resources of timber and metal, ships were quickly created. Fyrd Ships were wrought. Huge war vessels built for speed, recrafted for use in exploration. While passion was in their hearts, they weren't spurred into action again until they met the emissaries of Hamleton. These new peoples and their tales of exploration were enough to make Thangoradrim their steadfast friends, and the Tnagors gifted them vessels made from their best shipwrights. They wee just about to explore before they were attacked... From the depths of the caverns beneath Thangor forest they had just begun to traverse, spewed forth a new and savage enemy. With moss green and dirt stained brown skin, akin to burnt leather, they would forever be known as the Gundarogs. These fierce creatures stood 5 feet tall, with wiry muscle and rat like teeth. Wielding black iron scimitars and spears, they surged into the above ground and tore apart all in their way. The creatures used monstrous Trolls as their shock troops. They would have been too sudden and ferocious for most anyone. But the warriors of Thangoradrim simply un sheathed their weapons, and fought undeterred and unshaken. With a grim determination, shields and axes in hand, they clove through the vanguard of the Gundarogs and went into a 20 year campaign of systematically exterminating the infectious race. Many brave warriors and wolf companions fell, but heroes were born, and through the adversity, the city of Thangoradrim was formed at the moment of their victory. Songs were written, feasts were held, and tunnel fights were formed from the hearty men. They now began to map the underground system of caverns for their own use, and to this day the sighting of a Gundarog is a once in a decade affair. Licking their wounds, regaining control of their forest from the beasts, making settlements there and in the mountains, creating watch towers along the plains and foothills, planting farms and establishing their kingdom, Thangoradrim is now a soveriegn nation recognized by all. In recent years, they have sailed to distant lands, making an alliance and everlasting friendship with the clans of Kashar. They have begun to search for new places to make settlements, and trade has been/will soon become established with other nations. Roads that helps travelers moving from north to south are now in the planning process, under the protection of Thangoradrim and their warrior might. [h2][b]Government & Society[/b][/h2] The High Thane rules over all, unquestioned in times of total war, but often leaves the organization and leadership of individual clans to their respective local Thanes. Every Thane has a Druid advisor that resides in huts beside their sacred Glades. The High Thane, and in turn, the Thanes, are often chosen by blood relations. However, the Thangors have a loose system reminiscent of a republic. They meet in moots within the glades, and vote to decide who will rule next. To them, they believe that blood holds the strength of the previous Thane and often do not question the succession from father to son. However, if the son in question is seen as weak or unintelligent, they will vote him out. Other than Succession, moots can be formed and created for various other decisions, though the High Thane is often not in question during them. He would do wise to listen to them, however. Druids get votes just as Thanes and clan mates do. Women and Slaves (more like indentured servants, who are indebted to another and choose to work in order to pay off their debt) are allowed property, freedom, and weapons just as any other. Often times, Fyrds (small warbands) are formed to destroy threats, gain/protect land, or even to settle disagreements between clans. Beofric Dormgrad is High Thane, residing in his great hall of Stone, Baldr, and Timber within the city of Thangoradrim, located atop a particularly large Drumlin hill that gives an incredible vantage point over the forest. The city itself is both atop and within the stone cliff, lit with great braziers and adorned with bronze and carved art upon Wyrdwood. The Clans Cladheim, Forgod, Déorhidh, and Thaggar reside in the forest of Thangor. Clans Bryne and Brimrad live along the coasts and create great ships for exploration and war. Clans Horthaig and Ardabeorg reside within the mountains and highlands. Clan Dunbryte patrols the plains to the South, bordering between Thangor forest and the desert of the Eloians. Think of something like this:[hider=Drabarians]Humanoids with the faces of Dragons, Dratarians or "Dragon men" live in small holdfasts in the western mountains. Standing fully 7 feet tall, with muscled builds and covered in red, green, or brown scales, they are an imposing people with a similar honor based culture. Their leaders are blessed with tails, and only one Drabarian in 500 years can grow wings. The Drabar claim they await the end of the world, and the herald of the Dragon's return. They send their offspring into the Thangor forest, and cannot come back until they have proof of a heroic kill, such as the tusks of a Demari Boar. They taught the Thangors how to work Baldr and Valdium.[/hider] [h2][b]Economy & Industry[/b][/h2] Precious metals, stone, and timber, and exotic monster/beast meats are the most abundant and used exports. Between the foothills and forest, and in some rare places of cleared land further east, wheat, potatoes, and various other farming items are grown. This would allow Thangor to survive on its own in war, though it is easier to get their farming foods and horses from more northern nations, and are their most prominent imports. That and Ale, of course. Thangoradrim Ale is a malty, strong ale amber-to-dark red in color. The few brewmasters within the Kingdom are highly regarded and skilled, but are in short supply. Thangoradrim craftsmen and hunters are often hired by other nations for their skills. Their warriors would be as well, but they tend to see serving other nations with arms as dishonorable (unless allied), when Thangoradrim itself could be attacked at any time by foreign foes or domestic monsters. There is an avid fishing and exploration market with the Clans Bryne and Brimrad (as well as the forest clans along the riverlands, meaning fisherman). The 2 clans in question either transport emissaries of other clans, or do the diplomacy with nations across the Sea. They often bring back hidden treasures from foreign lands, and sometimes a sea monster carcass or two. The High Thane, Heldenhammer Dormgrad has just began to become interested in trade routes and foreign relations, prompting more ships to be made and more exploration and settlement making beyond the previous mild curiosity. [h2]Special resources[/h2] [b]Valdium[/b]: A silver steel found beneath the sacred glades, Valdium is as strong as well forged iron, half as light, and gives off a faint glow. It cleaves through monster flesh and the flesh of magical beings easier than other metals. [b]Wyrdwood[/b]: A sturdy timber that regenerates into the form that it is carved in, even after it is broken. [b]Baldr[/b]: The more durable substance known to Thangoradrim, and possibly the world. Twice as strong as Valdium, as heavy as Iron, and known to be extremely hard to fall to corrosion or rust. It takes a Drabarian or an extremely strong Thangor blacksmith to shape, and to the uninitiated, forging a sword of Baldr could take a decade. [b][h2]Military Overview[/h2][/b] [img][/img][img][/img] Being a warlike people, young Thangors practiced with the family weapon as soon as they could walk steadily. By age 10, they were practiced hunters, and by age 14, they could form an effective unit in both the forest/mountain, or southern plain. Their tactics would change with the terrain. For forest combat, the archers would hide in special tree plateaus and fire upon the enemy, and the melee fighters would close in to hack their enemies down. Sometimes they would use clan warriors as distractions, traveling with shields upon their backs and weapons in their hands, acting as if they attempted to remain sneaky. Their archers would then fire on the unsuspecting raiders from above. Thangors are unrelenting and determined when in battle, holding shield walls and firing upon their enemies when fighting among hills or on flat ground with little forest around them. They tend to maintain a staggered formation when fighting upon their mountains, outmaneuvering opponents less used to such terrain. The Axe was the most common weapon for clan warriors, though often times it was not the primary armament. Axes are customarily not allowed within the sacred glades, to honor their pact with the forest spirits. Due to their rigid tradition, customarily left behind generally means forbidden or banishment. They have shields customarily, with one handed axes or swords. But they tend to wield two handed weapons such as great swords, or long handled axes with spikes atop them. Or a recurve bow, for a trained archer. Armor is often sturdy and well made chainmail of iron and bronze, with wealthier families using Valdium or Baldr. They cover that with well boiled leather and cloth. Thangor warriors are renowned for their fierce charges, war drums and shouts, and battle paint they adorn themselves with. While respectful, they are ruthless with their enemies and will pillage freely. Men and women often adorn their hair or beards with the jewelry of those conquered, or will get wargold given to them after performing some great deed. Thangoradrim has a moderately sized but very efficient and dangerous navy, for their ancestors were shipwrights and seafarers. Their weakness is their lack of Cavalry. They have a modest one, and those who are enlisted aren't unskilled horseman. They also use Great Musk Oxen and Storm Wolves for mounts, but these exotic beasts are rare and more useful over certain terrain. [h3]Super Units[/h3] [b]Drabarian Warriors[/b]: Wielding enormous Halberds and Great weapons, the Drabarians are clad in Baldr platemail. This, coupled with their firebreath, and hardened scales, effectively make them walking tanks. [b]Warwicks[/b]: Men who have undergone rituals performed in their Sacred Glades, being infused with the blood of Wolves. They grow a bit taller, a bit stronger, hair covers their bodies, and their heads become far more canine. They can run and leap at great speeds, though they cannot carry weapons and only wear light armor. Their claws and teeth are as deadly as Iron, however. [b]Dómbeorns[/b]: Professional Warriors who both protect and enforce the will of their Thanes. They wear only the finest armor and wield only the best weapons. Often times their scale mail/plate mail armor is made of Valdium or high class Iron, as is their armaments. Even so, martial prowess is not the only factor one needs in order to become a Dómbeorn. The man must have achieve a particular feat of bravery and honor and voted in by a moot before they are given the right to be one of these legendary warriors. [/hider]