[center] [@Wisp] [@AimeChambers] [@urukhai] [@Cubix] [/center] The queen nodded to her brother, giving him no words after his statements. She wasn’t sure if it was proper to point out Raphael’s lack of trustworthiness or to simply go with it. Well, who was she to say? She had a degree of trust invested in King Regnier, given they had known each other for many years, but current events had suggested otherwise in this trust. It was obvious to her that he wanted the best for both of his fellow neighbors and his dedication towards an alliance would show this, but he’ll take the costs if it must. Even if the cost was between Raphael and Michael, why, he’d be tempted to take it, wouldn’t he? Not that Adeline was him, but if she was, she could feel certain the idea crossed his mind more than twice. On the other hand though, her brother seemed to have a little more trust in Valentine when it came to this topic, which she found odd. It perhaps was his need to be diplomatic, as if she couldn’t manage it to do it herself, and by being diplomatic it meant that Auberon would take a liking to yet another diplomat… It didn’t work like that, did it? How else could she explain it, or think of it? Auberon did not communicate with many outside of his room and very little with those outside of the kingdom. He didn’t have the trust and relationship built over years of friendship, whether between teatime or public dances, but the simple instinct to trust in Regnier. That was it, wasn’t it? Adeline couldn’t wrap her mind around any other reason, or at least one that would make sense to her. Perhaps Auberon knew something more than she did, perhaps something kept away from her? To have information hidden from her didn’t come off as a surprise, especially if Auberon was withholding it from her, and she rubbed of her neck out of the mere thought of discomfort. He wouldn’t purposely hide details from her as a monarch ruling by her side. That would yield poor ruler-ship and possibly bad politics, but she wasn’t certain of what Auberon had up his sleeve. Even when he spoke openly with her, more so than in the past, he would always have an aura of uncertainty to her. She had to trust in him by now. Within the past year and three months, he chose not to wrong the Kingdom of Michael and remained attentive to her wishes and words. It’s all she had to trust in other than their blood, but it’ll do. Adeline looked upon Hadrian and Olifina, both loyal knight and lovely lady waiting patiently for her word. She took notice of Olifina’s small action, and in that Adeline had the kind reminder that she was not the only one nervous. She then looked over towards Rancor – she did her best to hold back a smile towards him, seeing now he had slapped himself, but couldn’t help but widen her smile. Adeline was quick to turn her smile into words, looking back upon her audience in the room. She held her smile as strong as she could. It felt unnatural, but perhaps that’s what happens when you try to hide a laugh. Adeline looked back upon the tray. Would it be inappropriate to take a cup of tea now? She had everyone ready to listen to her, but she was queen, so she was allowed to, right? Of course, a part of her told herself, she deserved it after all. With haste, she made way to the tray and quickly sipped the tea, but the warmth couldn’t tame her nerves. Perhaps have a bit of cake – wait, no, they’re waiting! But… but a small bite couldn’t hurt anyone. So, she took a quick piece, consuming as quick as possible, and after chewing and swallowing Adeline turned back to her audience. Walking back to her main desk and clearing her throat, she set her fingers gently onto the surface. A quick glance at Auberon, then back at the servants, Adeline started speaking in her soft tone. “It’s a lovely morning, isn’t it?” She looked upon her parent’s – erm, well, her servants, which was an odd thing to call them. She looked towards the servants with her celestial blue eyes, shoulders rolled up with a deep breath taken. For a moment, Adeline appeared to be joyful, but all of it unraveled when she released her breath. It couldn’t be help. She was already having a difficult time living up to her father’s image after a year’s worth of time. However, she had to keep herself together. Mother would do so, father would too, and if she could do anything for them in this moment it would be to honor them in every aspect possible. “I am sure you are asking yourselves why you have been summoned,” Adeline said, then looked upon each of their faces, including Auberon’s. “If any of you feel that we’ve been brought together through negative news and circumstances, I can assure you that that is not the case. That being said, it is still news, and it is important that you and fellow members of the kingdom are up to date on these matters.” She breathed in, looking back at Auberon, then back at the servants. “Myself and King Auberon each received a letter from King Regnier of Raphael, an invitation to the Round Table for a meeting between him and King…” She drew her words carefully, and after a moment of silence her voice dropped. “King Fairchild of Gabriel, under important and urgent news. The news was not disclosed in the letters, but it is enough to dare King Regnier into mentioning the Kingdom of Gabriel to both of us. Auberon and I made the decision – the decision to attend this meeting together. I understand if you may not agree with this choice, but between myself and Auberon, we feel it is only right to attend the meeting.” She breathed in for a moment, allowing the servants to sit in thought for a moment. “However, we will not be attending alone. As advised by King Regnier, we will be taking two guards with us. As for the question as to why three of you have been summoned, there is reason for this. I am sure you all know that Princess Serenity cannot attend the meeting, but we do not wish to leave her unattended. I trust in all three of you equally in your abilities and skills, and I am here to request a service in watching over Serenity for the day while we are away. Auberon and I will then take two of you with us to the Round Table meeting." Adeline looked at Olifina, then Hadrian, and then back at Rancor, then proceeded to scan each of them with her eyes. "I believe in each of your abilities, but I request for someone who can protect Serenity while we are gone. Defensively, if... Gabriel, or I dare say Raphael, makes a move on our kingdom." Swift to the tea desk, she took a cup of tea and had a sip. She cupped her tea and looked within it for a moment, and swirled the cup to watch the tea spin. The movement waved within the cup with ease, a flow that captured her attention for the short second. Adeline then looked back to her audience with a more confident expression. She could do this, and in fact, she already did. "So, may I have a volunteer for staying with Serenity?" [hr] The bishop's eyebrows raised as she listened to her king, but remained in a stoical stance, unmoved by the words he spouted. Daniella wouldn't say that they were completely irrational, and definitely wouldn't say that they were out loud, but told herself that perhaps the king was slightly exaggerating a thing or two. He went on and on, talking about the youth – not like he was one to speak, apparently – and the plans rolled up their sleeves. While his speech sounded outrageous to her, it wasn't as far-fetched as it seemed. Given, if there were any two kingdoms with close relations at the moment, the Kingdom of Michael and Raphael may be the closest, but it didn't mean that Raphael didn't care for Gabriel any less. At least it shouldn't if Raphael wanted to keep their reputation. Daniella thought to herself quietly as the king went on. If he was harmed, whether fatally or not, why, what would the kingdom do? Scurry around and about, mourn for their lost king and become desperate to find another monarch? That would do the kingdom no good. Besides, she felt that there was no finer monarch to take Gabriel's throne other than that of a Fairchild. Daniella waited for him to finish speaking, and when he did, she had her heart skip a couple beats. She gripped her crosier in one hand and kept her head high. She dared not look towards her hand, and she dared not let her eyes stray to the floor. So little of movement could give her away if he looked too deep into it. If angels were truly sided with this, Michael wouldn't have been much of an issue, now wouldn't they? Raphael would show a more convincing favoritism towards Gabriel, and perhaps Gabriel's actions would have been agreed upon in the first place. Even if she wanted to insist to the king that the better was on their side, Daniella knew otherwise. If any moment came to be that the king was in harm's way in her sights, she would have to decide fight or flight, and fight would reveal that the demons and devils were on their side. Holding herself together, she lifted her crosier from the floor and placed it back down again. "Your Majesty Fairchild," She stated, "I understand your concerns, but to make appearance in this meeting would benefit Gabriel greatly. If you are not present, they may make decisions without your knowledge, and that cannot be risked. If the news is so important, the kingdom cannot miss one step into knowing what it is. Though you may not be fully welcomed, it would be unwise of them to ignore you. If they choose to toss you aside then they will face those consequences, for my faith lies in this kingdom under your ruler-ship, King Fairchild..." She nodded her head down, then looked up to him. Her expression softened. Mellurium's eyes caught her attention in a brief moment. She seemed stunned, perhaps by his grace and appearance, or the color of his eyes that captured her attention, but she dared not to dwell on them for too long. Daniella took an audible breath in and out before finishing her statement. "If they dare harm you, may they receive a punishment in seven-fold; I believe the angels are sided with us, but above all else, Gabriel watches over us." Daniella looked upon his brows to his head, then to the top of his throne, and set her unoccupied hand across her midsection. "What do you think now, your majesty?" [hr] Lance was taken by surprise to see Ainsley and without much for a greeting. It didn't really bother him though. The servant appeared to be prepared and ready to go quickly, but what else was to be expected from the king's servant? Only the finest of servants, and Lance could see that in this man. "Why, of course," Lance smiled and nodded, then started to make his way to the throne room. He assumed Ainsley followed him during this time, and while Lance didn't necessarily rush, he didn't wish to stroll through the castle either. He couldn't keep the king waiting for too long, but at the same time, he was hoping to have some questions answered. "Hey, so, Ainsley," Lance started, taking his best approach to a casual conversation while making way to the throne room, "You've seen the king lately, haven't you? He took me by surprise – the king's appearance, you know. He looks a lot younger than I remember... Maybe he woke up on the right side of the bed? What do you say?" He tried not to look at the servant eye to eye and not become too loud, but to just say enough in given time in hopes that he could get even the slightest of insight from Ainsley. [hr] Standing with straight structure, she nodded to Ichabod's words. She dared not smile at them, but she felt warmed by them. She had come to enjoy this warmth. It couldn't compare to what a flame could do, but it was close to the slightest, faded memory of a touch to her skin. She would call it sunlight if she could, but she couldn't say that certainly. Growing up within the sealed version of Lucifer made it hard for her to remember that sunlight is a thing, just as much as weather and any other outdoor occurrences. Dandelions, rain drops, and moonlight too, these were things that the Kingdom of Lucifer once knew. Nowadays, all of that belonged to old stories and passages saved from a time long ago. Lenore continued to cling to the materials in her hands. It won't be much longer, she thought to herself. In only a matter of time would the Kingdom of Lucifer take to the surface again. She turned her attention to Ichabod again. Lenore heard his faint voice come to her, and it was if she tossed all her thoughts aside just to tend to him and his questions. However, she could not yield him a fulfilling answer, or at least one she would be pleased with. "I ask myself the same question," Lenore shrugged. She looked towards the door and then back at Ichabod. "If anything," She said softly, "I will summon myself under urgent means." She paused, looked back at her books, then at him. "It's urgent, is it not?" Lenore only expected one kind of response from him, and she expected him to say yes. As she waited, she started to tap her foot in the room, leaving a partial echo between the silence of her and Ichabod.