[color=silver][u][b]Keri Wolf[/b][/u][/color] [i]Lyn's Hunt[/i] After shifting to the side a few feet she now had a clear line of sight on the beast's front and right side. She once more took aim as Deven began to clear the distance, taking in a calm and steady breath she lined up her shot and let loose aiming for the beasts neck. The slash wasn't deep enough to cause any serious damage to the beast. Keri's claws had torn the skin as well as into the tendon allowing another way to track the Alpha. That was if it ever decided to turn invisible once again. Crimson dripped to the ground forcing loose blades of grass to stick to her hand. Somehow the vampire had rolled past on of the places the creature had dug into. This wasn't a huge surprise considering they seemed to stay put where the monster had tossed her. At least the attack had been repaid. The girl stayed in a crouch as she turned. She spotted were the slash was as it howled in pain. In truth it had worked better than she thought though the outcome was a bit... Disappointing. Now it was crumpled towards the ground, as if the human smacked it on the noise like a dog. The wound was leaking crimson causing the grey grass underneath turn red faster and time for someone else to attack. This was a win-win in her book though the young woman wasn't quite done with the thing. But it was best to wrap this up and help out the others. "Eyes on me you big bastard!" Being said caused Keri to notice the Cosh's attention turn towards the screaming moron. It was rather strange not having it's undivided attention now but a welcomed distraction none the less. Most people in these students position would high tail it out of here yet here they all were trying to finish this hellish day.[color=silver][i]" I suppose it's time to get to work before this idiot gets himself killed. I just hope Annabeth managed to get to the college alright with Lyn. As well as Mar being alright. Otherwise this may end up as a horrible day."[/i][/color] "Damn" was said from a woman. At least to the vampire.[color=silver][i]" I take that back. Apparently these two seem to be having a rather off day."[/i][/color] Keri took out her sword from it's holder. Crouching down while turning her head towards where the voice sounded from. Once the arrow was released. The young woman waited until it was halfway towards the target before running at angle to the opposite side. Keri slashed at it's head then took a few steps back afterwards.