[color=fff200][u][b]The War of Galaxies[/b][/u][/color] [color=fff200][u]A Science Fiction Story by EWillden[/u][/color] The Setting: It is the year 2130 on the once dead red planet of Mars. Now it looks completely different. Not the red star we all got used to seeing in our childhood on earth. There was still red in it no doubt but now it had something different. Something it didn't have before. A atmosphere and breathable air. This was all made a reality by the USC. The colony that formed on mars at first started small after the planet was terraformed. Now it had bustling cities and malls. It was completely something. Mankind had made history in this edge of the galaxy. From the moment man first walked on earth they always dreamed about what was up above them and so unreachable. [img]https://marscoin.org/img/marscity.jpg[/img] You and your family are residents of the red planet, how you live on Mar's is up to you, from Waste management to law enforcement or even military. Hell you can even be a manager at a corner store. Whatever floats your boat. You have been living here sense you were born because your father's or Grandfather's family was chosen by Earth's lottery to go to Mars and begin life on the planet. Everything has been going well for you.... so far. Then attacks have occurred. According o the USC and Mars Government they were simple uprisings that were quickly dealt with. But was that it to the story? No body knows. People made wild guesses of course but which ones were truth and which ones were just bull shit that is up to you to decide. The Basics: Okay that's that. You are a citizen of Mars, you will live your chosen life as you see fit like you would on earth. However, this is fantasy so be what you want to be. Here are your choices: * Human *Cyborg: Reminder, these are cyborgs that resemble the ones on the show Ghost in the Shell. They look human just like anyone else but are unique to their original design when they were just plain human. A few signs can be seen from cuts in the artificial skin or their eyes are not like yours or mine. However, they are still human, just modified. Not all their parts are machine. That is it. This is pretty open world though so if you have any suggestions of questions please ask below. Your occupation is up to you... again read up above. I don't care what it is as long as you have one. I will be posting a Character sheet so you can get a jest as to what it is all about. The Roster: 1:[@knighthawk] 2:[@LetMeDoStuff] 3:[@Archangel2125] 4:[@Catchphrase] People who need to create character sheets: [@Error][@Scrapula][@Hannibal] Seeing as it was requested Character Sheet Skeleton: Appearance: Name: Age: Biography: Those simple things. You can add Categories or whatever to your desire.