[img]http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2012/08/09/10214/big_thumb_57d4493b7581502dd42231abae35ff59.jpg[/img] Appearance: Hotaru stands at six feet two inches with short wavy hair. She is pale as snow and has dark violet colored eyes. To the untrained eye Hotaru would look like a normal girl. Yet she wasn't, her job required certain things to be done to her. A full augmentation of the body. Where parts where traded out for better ones. There are tiny slits in the skin that would give this away. She wasn't completely cybernetic. There were parts of her that were still human though. That said she is often found in her uniform which will be discussed later. When not in uniform she is often found wearing a simple none sleeved shirt and a black skirt. Her olive shaped eyes give away her nationality. Do to her occupational hazard she also carries around with her a .45 magnum with a heavy frame. This weapon is located at her right hip. When on duty she carries her choice of weaponry. It is a much more modified and specialized P90. She preferred it to most weapons. Name: Hotaru Utada Usanagi Age:30 Biography: Hotaru currently works as a member of a special task force. At first she thought it was for special human cases like herself. This task force was titled Section 8, it dealt with very special cases but not human ones. It was formed only recently and so far she has only responded to the after math of whatever was occurring in Mars City. It was weird, for the attacks were not like anything she had ever seen before. She did not ask any questions,... she just did what she was told and cleaned up the mess. She was once just part of a first response team of the local law enforcement. Due to her skills though and her determination she was hand picked to be part of Section 8 as well as a few other people. Not all were picked from law enforcement though, some where military and other fields. Her family was chosen for their connections though. Or at least that is what her father claimed. She did not know if he was telling the truth and they were related to some Yakuza family on earth or what. A part of her thought it was bull shit and that her father was just letting his pride do all the talking. All that matters is that she was picked and here she was. Hotaru's reward for accepting the offer from Section 8 gave her some perks... the first perk was they yanked her brain and internal organs out of her body and then remade her body into a shell. A fully prosthetic body that wasn't just military grade but of the secret kind. Once it was all done she was given the high rank of Section 8's leader. Well the task force that is. What her abilities where... well that is for her to know and for you to find out.