Mars City January 22 year 2130 Hotaru sat upon a stool belonging to a noodle shop. It was amazing that these thing still existed and here on Mars as well. Yeah you heard that right, Mars. Who would have thought huh? Here it is the year 2130 and we have colonized it. Human's can only do so much with earth anyways and space was getting taken up rather quickly. Which was why the USC was put to the task of making places outside of earth hospitable. Mars was the second thing on the list to get just that, colonized. With the creation of atmospheric generators the planet was quickly made live able. By quick I mean two to three years but it happened. With the success of the moon it did not take long before eyes turned to the red planet. With that said a few more years and boom here she was in Mars City enjoying some uber udon soup. It had all that was needed in it including a boiled egg. She sighed as she looked into the bowl her reflection staring back at her. "Something wrong with the soup? Miss Utada?" Came the voice of the owner. She looked up and shook her head. "No, nothing is ever wrong with your soup. I just have a lot of my mind." She answered. "It has to do with those weird uprisings don't it?" He asked. Not like it was secret,.. it was all over the news and radiostations. You would have to live underneath a rock to not know. She nodded to him and picked up her spoon and began to tug at her noodles to get it all stirred. Once it was to her liking she put the spoon down and picked up the chopsticks and began plucking the soft noodles out and into her mouth. She looked up at the hologram display, this thing was like a television. She saw that it was some talk show host speaking about the uprisings. She moved a finger over to it and hovered her finger over the volume controls and raised it a little. "This is the fifteenth time a attack has occurred, what is the government even doing about this? They sure clean up the messes quick but I don't see any attempts to end it for good." spoke the host. "Well John,.. you know I don't think it is uprisings. Mostly just terrorists like back on earth. The groups still need to be stopped of course....." The voices continued, spouting out their petty bull crap as if they knew anything. It wasn't that simple... the tech used in the attacks wasn't theirs. Plus... she saw claw marks as well. Not small ones like from a animal mind you..... She sighed and hit another button and turned it off. "Idiots... if only it was that simple." She said. The owner smirked and snorted. "You got that right... I trust if it was in your control it would be solved. Then again that's gossipers for you. They never really know anything about the situation. They only think they do." The man responded. -------------- Mars City was not completely perfect. Even through mankind's advances there were still criminals..... "Lady,.. I aint going to ask you again. Give me your purse or I will kill you." The man said. He was huge and what made him even more intimidating was that his eyes gave away what he was. They had saucer disk liked eyes in their place. He was part of the cyborg population. This woman however was still not having any of it. She shook her head at him and held onto the purse. He rose his gun and aimed it directly at her he pulled back the hammer and in turn she closed her eyes waiting for the inevitable... but something was wrong. No muzzle flash occurred. She opened her eyes to see the man pointing his gun in another direction. Farther down the alley way. His body was shaking. Something was there that the man did not like. She followed his aim and what she saw gave her the chills. Red glowing eyes,..... their shape was inhuman but she could see no body to them, only shimmering. "Reveal yourself you son of a bitch,... before I drop you!" He yelled. His paused showing he was nervous. The eyes narrowed as if glaring at him. It then emerged from the shadows and revealed it's true form. It was hideous and huge. A lot more huge then the man had expected. It had two sets of arms. Two were smaller then the others and held some sort of gun he never seen before. It was out of this world and had tubes connected right into the creatures arms making the weapons connected right into the being's body. This prevented other races from using the weaponry. It's other set of arms were connected to two giant cleaver like appendijes... "What the fuck are you?..." The creature didn't even answer or hesitate. It raised up it's rifle and light glowed from the weapon's cracks and a arc of energy shot out ripping into the mans body blowing a large hole into it and sending the thugs remains backwards. The woman moved to run but it's feet propelled it into the air to land in front of her causing her to trip. Before she landed on the side walk one of those cleaver like claws tore into her should and pinned her to the wall. What came next was it taking her head off... .... This attack was short lived though for a gunship flew seemingly out of no where. It was fully automated and its turrets aimed at the creature and opened fire. While it did this men dropped down from the gunship's body. These people carried cases and bags. After the gunship had done it's job these people began to clean up the mess. Mostly the important bits they didn't want the public to see or Section 8 when they arrive.