[center][h3][sub]Brynn Wild[/sub][/h3] [sup]Close by [@TheIrishJJ], [@TheUnknowable], & [@Overlord24][/sup][/center] Vi's ears perked at the word 'treat' one of the men up ahead spoke and her stance became slouched, almost relaxed. Without hesitation, Vi ducked through the brush and entered into the open, walking down the street towards the two men and young boy. I grit my teeth, trying to keep myself from calling her back to me. Reaching into my vest, I grab both Vi and Grimm's pokeballs out, releasing Grimm from his slumber with my left hand. [i]Pop![/i] Simultaneously, with my right arm, I toss Vi's Cherish ball out at her and with a single bounce, [i]Pop![/i] Vi returns into her ball. Quickly, I jump from out of my hiding place and land smoothly on my feet, calling out to Grimm lowly, [b]"Wrap it up, Grimm."[/b] As trained, Grimm flips his club in hand and uses Bonemerang, sending it through the air. The club flies straight a few yards before it flips back around making it's way back towards us and [i]smack![/i] hits Vi's ball up off the ground right into my hand. I secure her ball back in the pocket of my vest and immediately take off in the opposite direction of the group, knowing Grimm will follow closely behind with ease. It's still dark out, and I'd use that to my advantage for the time being. Unless I get sniffed out, I shouldn't be found. Even then, it's easy to manipulate the Regime's hounds, just not so easy to escape the soldiers that gave them the orders. They carried weapons of their own besides their well-trained pokemon [i]slaves[/i]. Putting a good amount of distance between the group I left behind, I stop down a small alleyway to catch my breath, but only for a moment. [i]'You have to keep moving,'[/i] I reminded myself. Grimm pulls himself up into a planter placed outside the back door of an old business, sitting down in the dirt and begins patting himself down with handfuls of it. A smile nearly reaches my ears at the site of it, knowing I'd trained him too well how to hide his scent. I grab fistfuls of my own, padding my clothing down with the dry, dark earth to disguise my scent. [b]"Can't be [i]too[/i] careful, can we, Grimm?"[/b] Grimm's eyes narrow into slits and acquired crows feet at the corners, which I could always assume was his smile. Taking a look around, it was hard to tell which direction we were heading in. [i]'Damn those guys,'[/i] I glared back in the direction I'd left them in, turning back to face where we were now headed. With no map, there was only hoping I was heading in the right direction. I ease up out of my crouched position and begin heading off with one hand tightly grasping my backpack strap across my chest, the other pressed tightly in a fist against my mouth to muffle a yawn. [i]'Shelter. We need to find shelter.'[/i] I begin looking around while we walk down the empty streets, searching for any sign of life in the windows of the homes and businesses we pass along the way.