[@Korkoa] I don't know if "skilled" is the appropriate choice of word for his ability in those powers. The only noted Jedi who used Fold Space were Skywalkers, whose bloodline is powerful in the Force anyway, and a guy who spent a good portion of his life with the Aing-Tii (who commonly practiced it), and with the power of Teleport, it seems the only noted practitioners were masters in some form. This leads me to believe that these would otherwise be somewhat difficult to master. I'm also not sure if his parents sneaking into the temple would happen. You've got a massive structure full of Force Sensitives to sneak past, and then the issue is finding him if they aren't a part of the Order. At this point in time, the Jedi Order also hasn't enforced the infant induction. Instead, young children are allowed, so being four at the time of being found is not uncommon. Maybe expand on his master being loose about these things and allowing him to study certain forbidden arts so he won't fear them? Lastly, could I ask that your character be on Coruscant for the moment? Only reason I have my Mirialan and Shistavanen characters on Taris is to give some time before they join Revan's ranks, as I have a number of other NPCs to control right now and throwing these two in the mix could be detrimental. Everyone is still at Alek's rally, and I feel many of the characters should have a chance to meet each other and get to know each other before we're thrown into the heat of battle. Once the [i]Victory Saber[/i] arrives, I'll leave it up to you as far as whether or not you want to take your freighter separately or have it docked with the [i]Saber[/i]. Don't worry, though. Taris is our first destination. Mostly, it's nitpicky stuff, but I think that's everything. Fix these things and everything should be alright.