[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Akio%20Kaiyami&name=DJ5CTRIAL.ttf&size=70&style_color=B7C3C7[/img][/center][hr][hr] [i]*grrrroooowwwwlllll*[/i] Akio hated his stomach sometime, actually no, more of his eating habits and appetite. He swore he was hungry when he woke up, walking down the stairs made him want to eat an elephant and now, as he tramped his way down the side walk, he felt like he just eaten a full course meal. He didn't want to eat anything at all and promptly decided to skip going to the cafe. It was like he was fucking photosynthetic and the sun had given him all his food and energy; perhaps Akio's true calling in life was to be a tree or something. At whatever the case, it was the thoughts of Foam Night that kept him from transforming into a whining bitch. Akio ran through the list in his head. First off (and arguably most important from what Akio had learned) was protection and not the body guard kind. Sinning was bound to get steamy in such a place and he guessed there would be a decent number of people who'd go there for the same reason as he was more or less. Like mother always said, "Chek yo self b4 u Rek urself" (not really though, Akio's head canon of his mother was a lot more interesting than how she really was). Next on the list was his outfit. This was always the hardest part. How reveling should it be, how elaborate should it be, how colorful it should be, Akio had literally swam through his closet on more than one occasion trying to find the right outfit for these types of sinful outings. He mused, he pondered, he wondered and he thought deeply, trying his best not to walk into stuff. At any rate, he'd need new stockings; all this others where completely destroyed. Perhaps stuffing things in them and going out to walk in them in horrible weather was a bad idea after all... Removing those thoughts from his head, he threw his arms up and stretched. Oh well, he still had an entire day to think over such. [i]I am going to throughly enjoy this night tonight[/i], Akio thought as the hissing of automated doors welcomed him to a pharmacy.