Sweat dripped down Micky's shirt as he jogged down the block of his neighborhood. This was a routine of his that he promised himself a while back, he promised himself he'd get in shape and stay in shape. Now, after every day of school Micky runs for 20 minutes, takes a short walk for about 10 minutes, then runs back home. Every day it is a different exercise that works out a different series of muscles, since it's thursday, Micky is doing aerobic exercises. On an average day Micky would jog away from his house and then back, but with this detention at Sea Side Park, Micky is going to make his home-stretch towards the park. Micky's routine was coming to an end just as the park came into view, he decided to walk the last block and try to catch his breathe in meantime. The way he looked, no one would expect him to be dressed for what the students had in store for them. He wore a under-armor shirt that was slightly to small for him, forcing his gut to push out the bottom of it. the sweat underneath his armpits and on his chest darkened the light green shirt into a swampy colour. His hair sticking to the sides of his face from the sweat. Micky was well aware he looked like shit, but he didn't really care. He had a hoodie in his travel back-pack that would cover up his unsightly body, and a hat as well. This spare clothing hid his features from others and made him sweat, which is a good way to loose a bunch of water-weight. He figured if he sweated all day than came home to a cool shower, he can prepare himself for the most relaxing time. But until then, he had to put up with this punishment. Micky slipped the grey hoodie out of his back-pack and stuffed himself inside just moments before he came into earshot distance from the other students. It was clear he still had a few minutes before everybody was at the park, so he took this time to relax his body in a more proper manner. He started to do stretches, before he ultimately sat down and looked up at the trees that hung over his head. Micky never thought about coming to the park after his runs, but he never before realized how serene it was. This may just be the perfect spot to cool off after a run.