With his back faced to her, Maxine inspected his wings and his tail. The tail was moving, what reminded her somehow of a cat that was observing his prey right before it would attack. She whirled slowly around him to his right sight and returned the look. He was confused but still calm, not a sign that he wanted to attack anybody. Perhaps Maxine herself was disorientated - for one moment she thought that he would dart upon the masked man and rip of his head, what wouldn't match to the situation at all. It felt like she reminded something but then it vanished again. She was still staying by his side and watching his eyes, which fascinated her for some reason, she couldn't explain herself. And she tried a second time to recall his face, if she ever met him before. At the end, Maxine gave up and shook her head. 'No, I don't remember his face.', was her conclusion. "Look how he is meditating, from one moment to the next one.....", Maxine noted as she averted her gaze from the dragon and drew attention to the masked man. [@dragonmancer] [@Jhett314]