Name: Moira Jane. Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Pale-skinned, but blushes bright pink when embarrassed. 5'2", petite frame. Black, straight, thick hair, just barely touching her shoulders, with bangs. Eyes so dark they appear black except in direct sunlight, where you can see that they are really a deep chocolate brown. Wears a long, dark green wool tunic over simple black leggings. The tunic reaches the middle of her thighs and has sleeves that reach her palms. It has two large pockets in the front that have flaps that can be closed with one button each. She wears simple black slip-on shoes, serviceable and comfortable. Personality: She is the typical wallflower. She knows most of the group by name and reputation, but does not know anyone personally. Moira is the type to befriend the dog at a large party rather than mingle with other guests. She is polite and even timidly friendly when spoken to, but she does not seek out the company of her peers, and neither do they seek out hers. She is a quiet, studious person who misses nothing, for she dearly loves to people-watch. She hates fighting, however, and is willing to intervene in a conflict in order to restore peace. Boon: Diplomatic History: Born to a single mother, Moira has never known who her father is. However, at an early age, she noticed how it pained her mother to speak of him, so she is content to leave the topic alone. She loves her mother deeply and doesn’t want to hurt her by pressing her about the past. So she became a regular at the library, digging into her mother’s family tree, hoping to find something about her father on the way. Relationships: Ipsum Status: Acquaintances Opinion: I know he’s smart, very smart. But he’s also a bit cynical, and it makes me want to keep my distance. I’ve seen him at the library, but never spoken to him beyond “Hello” or “could I read that next?” I feel especially bad for him now that Alice is gone. Zeke Status: Strangers Opinion: He’s certainly handsome.