Epic wip [hider=Farastine] [center][h1][b]Farastine[/b][/h1][/center] [b][h2]Location/Geography[/h2][/b] [hider=Map Claim][img]http://img02.deviantart.net/c6e5/i/2013/121/9/6/commission___eleysia_world_map_by_jocarra-d63p9br.jpg[/img][/hider] Location 25, big purple island down south. (Pick a color representing your nation and draw up your borders on the map. Don't be too greedy! Remember that there are many players wishing to participate in this game. After that you can also describe the territory you claimed. Environment, landmarks, notable regions and so on. While you can't just say you have unbearable heat in the whitened out sections at the North you have the freedom to describe pretty much anything not obviously shown otherwise on the map.) [b][h2]General Introduction[/h2][/b](What is your nation? What they do? How they live? etc...Anything you can think helps identifying your nation among the rest.) [b][h2]History[/h2][/b] (You can detail the history of your nation here. How they were formed? Any major events like wars, political changes or catastrophes? Really, you know better than me what you wish to write here. History is good for giving other players story hooks to establish some relationship with your nation. A good history section tries to incorporate knowledge from other NS to do exactly that, a shared history.) [h2][b]Government & Society[/b][/h2](I decided to combine these two and maybe even several other categories because I feel they are often related. You can detail here the type of your government, who are your important people. How the people live and what's their mentality like. You can talk about religion, minorities, demographics, population. If you have an unique faith or judicial system you may also want to detail it here. And of course you can mention what is your unique races are like. First come first serve. If a player already made elves then they have priority. You can of course discuss things with that person and come to an agreement. Race/species descriptions must be always put in separate hiders so they can be easily found. Think of something like this:[hider=Garden Gnomes]Garden Gnomes are tiny humanoids at average 10-14 inches in height. Their dietary requirements include lot of grass thus they are the most frequently found in gardens and clearings. Garden Gnomes are shy and developed an unique defense mechanism. So long they're looked on they become motionless like statues. To compensate when nobody is looking Garden Gnomes are both silent and incredibly fast. If you feel you're being followed around by happy looking yet sinister dwarf statues... you probably are. Have a good night![/hider] [h2][b]Economy & Industry[/b][/h2](What are your primary exports and imports? How much you trade? How are your craftsmen organized? How developed is your technology? What kind of unique creations you have? etc. If you haven't described your involvement with magic in the society/government section, you can do it here.) [b][h2]Military Overview[/h2][/b](Yeah, of course you also need to tell us some about your military. Try to avoid number games and unhealthy arms races. We play this game for fun and that needs balance and sensible approach. One of the main guidelines is that your nation's military shouldn't be much better than a historical 15th century medieval army. Don't worry, I don't ask you historical accuracy. So-called "super units" can be okay if they are rare enough for their worth and don't make your army unbeatable. The point is to let you do cool things and explore your creativity but at the same time don't do it at the expense of others. Also if you have magic or magicians involved in your military then perhaps you can describe that, too.) [/hider]