[@Delta44] [@The One] [color=#EB5E66]"Just when you think that it couldn't get any worse..."[/color] Black_Rabbit mumbled as the level 25 monster appeared. She had released the mage she just saved and focused back on the monster, which had started it's attack already. Upon activating her weapon, her bracelets began to change forming her gun-gauntlets. It wasn't easy but Black_Rabbit managed to dodge it's attacks for now with her agility, but she wouldn't be able to keep it up for long. "I'm OK!" Row'tu says, gradually getting to her feet as the beast roared. "We need to avoid getting hit by this guy; he's level 25, so-" The girl couldn't even finish her sentence before some tentacles wrapped around her. She could only keep her arm and staff save and casted a binding herself on the creature. The creature had been binded for now and Black_Rabbit knew that she had to do something. [i][color=#EB5E66]I hope this works.[/color][/i] She turned towards the tentacle that coiled around the mage. Black_Rabbit began to take a few swings, at the air and with each swing, her gauntlet fired a single explosive shot. It wasn't much but she had to try to free the mage or they would both go down. However Black_Rabbit didn't notice that the mages binding spell began to wear off and the creature was not amused at all, even so more with Black_Rabbit firing at it's tentacle with explosive shots.