The shock made her create an illiusion intuitivley and change into her nonsolid form back again. It looked like the body bursted under the pressure of the smoke inside it and the dark cloud wafted into all directions. That was what it looked like, when Maxine got surprised, she litteraly exploded. Normally, creating illusions was only possible for her in her solute form, otherwise her body couldn't bear to change reality around her. The smoke condensed itself, formed the shape of a female body. Her luminous eyes watched back to the ground as she was sinking with her head first. Then she realized, what happened. A fright reaction, that happened from time to time, but still too often for Maxine. It made her feel dizzy and dispersed. But even in her confused state, she noticed a third person coming up to the masked man and the dragon. She turned around and landed on the sand smoothly. After that, she sticked herself to the masked man's back.