[centre][hider=William McGregor] [color=silver][h1]William McGregor[/h1][/color] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/90/fc/c0/90fcc03e913de28d0de265e3119dde6b.jpg[/img] [color=silver][b]Age[/b][/color] [color=gray]32[/color] [color=silver][b]Gender - Race[/b][/color] [color=gray]Male - Human[/color] [color=silver][b]Origination[/b][/color] [color=gray]Mars - Scottish Ancestory[/color] [hr] [color=silver][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [color=gray]William isn't special. Tall, standing at 6' 2", and not giving too much brawn to show off, he's more of a simple man than a show-off cybernetic attention seeker. Having a dark-brown shade of hair, following the same shading as his facial stubble and brows, he still holds the fairly young and able looks that he should do. His eyes are of an Emerald Green tone, and his hair is short, yet ruffled into a somewhat formal presentation. His body figure seems like the average person, not muscular in any extreme measures and only having small amounts of boasting looks to prove when competition sets afoot. He bares a slightly toned skin shade, due to Mars' bright lightings compared to the dullish countryside of his birthplace. As of Cybernetics, he only has one Civilian Grade enhancement, refusing military gear, for his Left hand. As for clothing, equipment and looks on and off duty, William is pretty standard. Off duty, it's the simple clothing that's usually trending on the Simple Lives, rather than the High Wealth that bustles around from time to time. On Duty, it's a bit more complex. There are three Uniforms within his department. Formal, Patrol and Field, as they are so nicknamed. Formal [As portrayed in the image above], consists of a trench-coat, usually smartened up for the occasions he is involved in. Underneath is usually smartened up Inspection Uniform, usually given out to those who hold some small levels of authority over the newest of personnel. For the Patrol Uniform, it's a part of the standard City's [url=https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRFIADu4xXSkmXGkQj2rw8CDUaa86_11V4IzI-nh0khCfGEpLv5]Patrol Uniform[/url]. Due to the increase of [i]Uprisings and Protests[/i], the gear has seen more protective adjustments to suit the safety of the Officer wearing the attire. [url=http://s2.hubimg.com/u/909305_f520.jpg]Field-Uniform[/url] is a part of the Unit's Raised Threat Responses Group, where they become more advanced and updated with the Modernised Mars Technology. To suit the Smarter, Inspection Uniform, usually a [url=http://www.imfdb.org/images/thumb/a/af/I-Robot-Hero-Gun-02a.jpg/350px-I-Robot-Hero-Gun-02a.jpg]SH-3LRP[/url] is the Primary armament, however, it acts as the Secondary for the Patrol Uniform, having a [url=http://orig07.deviantart.net/e3bf/f/2013/208/a/9/fictional_firearm__hc_ar204c__krieg__assault_rifle_by_czechbiohazard-d4plw6x.png]HC-AR204C[/url] to replace its role. It acts as a Close-Quarters to Low-Mid Ranged Combat armament, and provides good coverage for most situations in the tight city-streets if the time needed is close. For Field-Work, the Similar Side-arm is accompanied by a much more adaptable [url=http://img14.deviantart.net/b6d2/i/2014/013/4/e/sar_20_assault_rifle_3_by_ankash-d7225xx.jpg]SAR-20[/url] Designated Assault and Marksman Rifle, known for its two variants that More Advanced Units carry, switching between the two depending on the situation [These are separate weapons, variants, and cannot be changed on the fly.][/color] [color=silver][b]Occupation[/b][/color] [color=gray]Law Enforcement Personnel - 4th Multi-Task Detachment - City-Enforcer & SCTO Personnel[/color] [hr] [color=silver][b]Biography[/b][/color] [color=gray]Growing up on Mars wasn't as hard as some might imagine. His Father had won the lottery, bringing the spouse and current child with them on the trip to the Red-Wonder. Originating from the remote and rural areas of Scotland, just in sight of the Metropolis and Urban technologies that laid within the Cities, William's Father Henry had quite an exciting idea. The Family had been saving up tonnes of money to simply make a better living, spending huge amounts of periods to prepare for a complete change in lifestyle. Lucky for them, the free-of-charge journey helped with Homesteading in the Mars Urbanisation. Having William as their second child, they began to run their lives as small citizens, taking up simple jobs. After time passed, Henry changed career paths for the Law Enforcement Forces, who were requesting more Personnel regarding to a increase in Criminal Behaviour in the Lower-City areas. Seeing his Father from that perspective, William idolised him as a hero during his time growing up, inevitably leading to the path he had chosen to take. From the instant he hit 17 years of age, Will set himself up into a space in the all infamous Police Training Facility located in a Tower known as the [i]Needle[/i]. Operating as a trainee for 2 Years, he eventually had scored himself a place within its ranks. From the Starting age of 19, starting his placement in the 4th Multi-Task Detachment, he had been on the far lighter patrols. The old uniforms that were usually worn were of much lower protection, looking a lot like older-world uniforms, and having their own three [url=http://img14.deviantart.net/e104/i/2013/268/e/3/east_jousai_male_uniform_by_stefana_tserk-d6nsqbj.jpg]Uniform Styles[/url], whereas they have now changed overtime. When Law Enforcement began to create special Task-Forces, such as the infamous Section 8, Nomad 12 and the now Disbanded Turn-Over Force, the 4th Multi-Task Detachment began to step-up their own uses. Being a Multiple-Tasking Force within the Law's ranks, they were able to have different Specified Operations Groups be permitted into their lines, allowing them to be far more mobile and effective against Criminal and Mass-Citizen Threats.[/color] [hider=4th Multi-Task Detachment][color=gray]This Branch of the City's Enforcement, now branched out to multiple cities and base plates Planet-side, is known for it's involvement in most Higher and Lower Grade Criminal Apprehensions. When local Ministers for the Defences of Civilisation homed within the Government discussed the upgrade of Military and Police Groups, the 4th MTD was selected amongst the two from Law Enforcing sides, the other being the 9th Patrol Unit. Whereas the 9th was upgraded into a First-Response Unit for Vehicular Pursuits and House-Raids, the 4th MTD was changed in a much wider length. It was given 5 more floors to the [i]Needle's[/i] structure, being upgraded into different uses for different branches. The Standard Uniforms were drastically changed, ideal to its role of peace-keeping on the violent streets. A Small Aerial Group were slotted into the ranks, acting as a Transportation and Information Gathering Support for the next group. Apart from the standard Unit that was used in the slightly more larger tasks, an Armoured Police Force was created, simply know as Cairo-3. Cairo-3 was to be a more elite force within the 4th MTD, being used for much larger Operations and Apprehensions. One notable concept of their status is that they are not constantly operational, and are mainly used for Operations that the Higher-Grading Special Forces weren't assigned for. Usually that meant Human, or minor cybernetic, terrorism and criminal organisation was their target, the much larger Cybernetic end of the table being left for those trained to combat the criminal activity. However, Cairo-4 has been known for occasionally taking part in certain operations, one's that were perhaps less Military-Focused. Cairo-4 is mostly made up of the Surviving members of Turn-Over Force, which is 7 Personnel. These are the elected NCOs and COs for the group, ranking above the lower-graded Operatives. However, the slightly-larger majority of the Force is made from 1/10th of the 4th MTD, William being amongst those plans. According to records, there are big plans in the step-up for this unit, as well as them being a big target for some of the more drastic masterminds.[/color] [/hider] [color=Gray]William was elected amongst his Experience within the Force for those involved in Cairo-4. It didn't mean he became a super-soldier, or anything. He was still a simple Police-Officer, trained only with the extension of Tactical Operations. Cairo-4 was a Specified Operations Task-Force, primarily made to handle multiple situations in different environments, with different scenarios, tactics and combat methods to ensure the safety of those within Mars' cities. They aren't often seen in Public, and when they are they aren't specifically recognised, though are known to the Public briefly. They aren't secretive, and that's all William needed. Due to its non-constant service, and only holding times of activation when threats were arisen, William could continue his normal life as it was, as well as continue his service as a Peace-Keeping Officer. However, as time grew, so did threats. With the huge involvement of Cybernetic Terrorism and Crime, Special-Forces of the Military and Law background began to find themselves preoccupied vastly. Cairo-4 were called to assist Hotel Indigo, a Law Force trained to specifically combat Cybernetic Crime, as controversial as some saw it. During a Raid on a small office complex for a successful Cardiac-Cybernet Company, an excessive use of Military Grade body-explosives lead to the loss of his left hand, being peppered with shrapnel before losing its socket in his wrist. That happening two years prior to current times, he's only been supplied with a Civilian Grade replacement, him denying any military versions. It acts just as a replacement hand, rather than improving what it once did. Currently, William is still serving both sides, having small leadership amongst his comrades. Cairo-4 and the 4th MTD, however, are close to finding themselves involved in some of the more big-field cases...[/color] [hr] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjm3NyQ6DYw]Character Theme[/url] [/hider] [/centre] [@EWillden]Here's mine. I know I put a rather larger amount of writing into mine, and I did go ahead and create a lot of things that you most likely didn't, but I was wondering if this is okay?