[b]ROLE:[/b] HEART. [b]Name:[/b] Found. [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 5'3", 102 lbs [b]Body type:[/b] Scrawny, but lithe. Most of her height is in her legs. [b]Scent:[/b] Vanilla & pine. [b]Texture:[/b] Soft, for the most part, but jagged where her scars/wounds are. [hider=Appearance] [center]Found is naturally gentle in appearance. She has bright blue eyes that stand in high contrast with her pale skin and white-blonde hair. Her right eye is scarred over and hollow – her right hand is missing the fourth & fifth finger, while the left is missing the thumb, fourth, and fifth. The last image is of her facial markings (provided by the Seeders.) Totally forgot to put it in the CS, but the facial markings are important and unique to each character. [img]http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/5664336/600full-philippa-bywater.jpg[/img] [img]http://images.fashionmodeldirectory.com/model/000000241940-Philippa_Bywater-squaremedium.jpg[/img] [img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e35/12905108_1688841704717207_2117600479_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTIyMDM0NTI3MDkzMjU4MTUzNw%3D%3D.2[/img][/center] [/hider] [b]Action tags:[/b] Crossing arms, hunching over, playing footsie with herself. [b]Verbal tags:[/b] Says "Mm?" and "Alright" a lot. Soft-spoken, quiet – almost always speaks with a smile. She has a slight Scandinavian accent. [b]Personality tags:[/b] Kind, calm, earnest, quiet, observant, and persistent. Though soft-spoken, her point almost always carries substantial weight. She never tries to talk over anyone, but waits until they're finished to say what she has to say. And, though she's observant, she cannot keep her bearings for the life of her. [b]Skills, Abilities, and Talents: [/b]Endurance, encouragement, and healing. Though not a practiced doctor, she has a knack for patching up wounds and using roots & compounds for food or ointments. She's very talented at getting lost. [b]Personality:[/b] Though Found is, as a general rule, gracious and kindhearted, she's not one to let someone be abused or rolled over. If they won't stand up for themselves, she'll stand up for them. She's brave, but not fearless. Her bedside manner is almost impeccable, but she can't help but get attached to those around her. She's overflowing with love, compassion, and it's got to go somewhere. She's immensely trusting, and will never break her word. [b]Admirable personality traits:[/b] Trustworthy, loving, unifying, peace-making, and courageous. [b]Negative personality traits:[/b] Aloof, easily frightened, self-conscious, and over-deliberating. [b]Things that make them angry:[/b] Cruelty, arrogance, hatred, and someone sneaking up on her blind side. [b]Fears: [/b] Snakes, getting lost, getting left behind, and those she loves dying. [b]Method of handling fear:[/b] Ironically, taking long walks. She talks to herself when walking. [b]Bad habits or vices: [/b] Hides her hands behind her back. Gets lost. Rubs her eyesocket a lot. [b]Most painful experiences in character’s past:[/b] When Found was young, she survived the initial bombing of Oslo, Norway. In one of the attacks, she was caught too near a bomb, and it tore out her eye and damaged her hands and arms. Her parents had died in a previous bombing run. She endured the pain for almost a month, wandering the Norwegian wasteland alone, hungry, and scared, until the Seeders picked her up. [b]Summarize character’s Fatal Flaw:[/b] Found needs to overcome both fear and personal loyalty. She has to realize that anyone can be taken away from her at any time, and if she lets that fear overwhelm her, she won't be able to function.