[hider=Ny Tem][center][h2][color=007236][b]Ny Tem[/b][/color][/h2] [img]http://pre15.deviantart.net/a7db/th/pre/i/2012/352/d/3/shadowblade_suit_by_benedickbana-d5oeaao.jpg[/img] [i][b][color=007236]"Nippon Steel gives me +2 to attack fam. Didn't you read the rulebook?"[/color][/b][/i] [color=007236]What is your name? Do you have any nicknames? Please include them.[/color] Names Ny, then Tem. Don't give me that look. I clicked on random name this campaign dude. [color=007236]What is your gender?[/color] Pretty sure I said on my sheet that I'm rolling a male. [color=007236]How old are you?[/color] How long has this campaign been going? Eh. I forgot. [color=007236]What species are you? Please include details about said species.[/color] I only play humans. I never roll anything else. Humans are the master RACE. [color=007236]What abilities and powers do you have? Do you have any expertise or “special skills”? Please include them.[/color] You see, my main thing is rolling the mystical D20s. They can either help me do great things, or smite me as I roll two 1s. It's a sad lyfe man. Here's my stat tree doe. STR:16 DEX:15 CON:9 INT:8 WIS:8 CHA:15 [color=007236]Are you skilled in certain types of combat? What type of weapon do you typically wield?[/color] I got swords. Lots of swords. Though my combat skill is generally based on the mystical D20s. Roll high, I'm prob gonna fuk shit up. If not, I'm probably breaking another sword. Or my foot again. [color=007236]What equipment do you typically carry into battle? Or feel comfortable carrying into battle?[/color] I got some sick loot drops, so I got some tight ass armor. I also got some other random shit like tinderboxes and lockpicks, but who cares about that? [color=007236]Are you affiliated with any other organization? If so, please say who and your rank.[/color] I've been in that party called the Oldfucks. Sorta. [color=007236]Where in Guild City are you from?[/color] Casual. [color=007236]What has your life been like so far?[/color] Well I first rolled this samurai character some time back. Prob last month. Or was it last year? Anyway, I've got my D20s, which are the source of my power... and the cause of my failures. I also got my divine rulebook who's laws I cannot break. For it is the all knowing GM who brought these words to me, and I'd very much not want to get smited by the GM in this campaign I'm in. To be honest, I think I went through most of the content, but just as I was getting bored, the GM dropped this whole new Bots Expansion. It's like some sort of invasion event. Seems pretty god damn cool tbh. The bots seem a bit strong, but good thing I have the best late-game equipment. NOT TO MENTION SOME SICK NEW LOOT BRUHHHHHH [color=007236]Would you like to include any additional information that we may have missed?[/color] Just... try and bear with me if I roll 1s.[/center][/hider]