[h1][color=bc8dbf]Odette[/color][/h1] [color=bc8dbf]"Come on, Lys. We won't have another chance like this!"[/color] Odette frantically packed some of her belongings, trying to decide what was the most important. She had some prototypes she needed to take, but a few of them were too large to put into her suitcase and she wanted to take more than just those. The only thing she could do was destroy them. Lys was also moving about in a panic. The espeon had her own pack to fill, though it was mostly toys. It wasn't long before her pack was full of scattered clothes, most of her notes, and a few odds and ends. All that was left was to dispose of the other, much less important devices. Ones that, if left behind, could cause even more pain to pokemon. All scientists knew that the Regime would always be able to find ways to use their inventions to hurt others, but most were too afraid to do anything about it. That or they didn't care enough. Odette and Lys weren't a special case among the scientists, there were many others that had formed friendships with their pokemon. She just couldn't handle it anymore. [color=bc8dbf]"Give me a hand, would you? We need to get rid of these before we leave."[/color] The apartment she rented was very small, but those close to the labs usually were. Lys wasn't usually able to fully utilize her psychic ability in such a small space, but for the task of ripping apart her Lady's tools? It was enough. The pokemon focused, her eyes glowing, and lifted the objects into the air. With only the faint sound of ripping metal, they became indiscernible pieces of scrap metal. She looked up at her owner after her eyes lost their luminescence and mewed. [color=bc8dbf]"Good job, Lys. Lets go!"[/color] She picked up a few pieces that would be hard to come by outside of the city and exited the building. Being that is was passed curfew, they would need to be very careful. If Odette was caught, they would certainly take Lys from her. Creeping along alley ways wasn't her favorite idea, but it was the best she could do. Lys acted as lookout, running ahead to make sure it was clear. There was a lot of activity tonight. Something must have happened. They had gotten real close to an exit, it wouldn't be long now before they got their first taste of freedom. Odette knew one of the guards that was on duty there tonight. She had selected him specifically for her escape. He was dense and didn't ask too many questions, plus he hated pokemon more than half the military put together. He was a man, and all a man wanted was a woman he could conquer. Once she feigned interest in him, it was all too easy to get him to do what she wanted. All she needed to do was tell him she was going out to field test a new invention and he wouldn't stop her. She smiled, he would be punished once the Regime found out he let her go. Two birds with one stone. Lost in thought, she didn't hear Lys's warning until it was too late. Then again, the figure ahead seemed to be familiar. Lys had gotten very ill not even a year ago and Odette took her to see one of the best vets in the city. She couldn't for the life of her remember his name, but even hunched over with some other person, she could recognize his porygon. Some other person. Was the doctor turning into a murderer? She could hear shouts coming from somewhere and from past experience, decided he needed the benefit of the doubt. He did save Lys after all. Once she was close enough, she placed hand on his back. [color=bc8dbf]"Doctor, please allow us to assist you."[/color] Lys sniffed the unconscious man and mewed quietly. So he was alive. Odette took one of his arms and wrapped it around her shoulder. So much for leaving through the gate without trouble. She had no idea why the man went to a veterinarian when he clearly needed to go to a hospital, but he looked very much like a rebel. [color=bc8dbf]"What is wrong with him? Can you do anything?"[/color]